
Encyclopedia of literary knowledge _ so

Categories: culture florida accident attorneyof Chinese authdallas wavefront lasikors beverly hills plastic surgery(a) in the spring and Autumn period l �� only the songs of the poem, and then to "poetry 300" for the alternative name. Famous titles of the crying Ospreys, disorderly, Tan, and the master of the rat, the Convention held. The earliest Chinese General anthologies of poetry. Included from the beginning of the week during the spring and autumn poetry 305 articles, divided into ?air?, ?elegance?, ?song? three broad categories. Create a traditional literary realism, as ?the five Classics? (contained in the poem, the book, and the ceremony, the easy, and the smedical malpractice lawyers new yorkpring and Autumn period of implementation). 2 �� Confucius, mounds, Word Zhong Ni, also known as the father, the Holy Father, people of Shandong, founder of Confucianism. Disciples of Confucius and his disciples into the book. Primary works of the Analects 20 articles, each article begins with the word titles, such as learning, and the Government, and so on. Records and their disciples of Confucius's words and deeds, represents the basic ideas of Confucius. Various schools of philosophy essays, quotations, as ?the four books? (the Analects, Mencius, the doctrine of thMortgage Loans Bad Credite United Nations, the University). 3����������³��ʷ�١� Major works of the left, the left is called the spring and autumn Zuo Shi biography, also named Zuo Shi of the spring and autumn. ?? Text to interpret Scripture. The Cao Gui controversy, and the battle of ���ʳɷ֡�, and the candle is selected from the book the fall of Qin Shi. China's first narrative xiangbei Chronicle Books, historical essays. Documented historical facts about the spring and Autumn period, full of literary character. (ii) the warring 4 �� Mencius, a surname, yuzi, representative figures of Confucianism during the warring States period, known as "Asian". Books by his disciples edited. Major works of Mencius total 7, each essay the first few words in titles, such as the Liang huiwang, the Chou, and the divisions, such as a child. Documented the Mencius the ideological and political rhetoric. Various schools of philosophy essays, ?one of the four books?. Mencius is longer than the argument, use of metaphor, talk about development of essays on later generations a greater impact. 5 �� liezi speaks, from the bandits, Taoist predecessors. (Horse stable bandits), major works of the liezi speaks, also known as the rush of virtual game Canon, are various schools of philosophy essays. The persistence of this book. 6 �� Zhuangzi, week, South China live, Taoist representatives. Major works of Zhuangzi, also known as the South China through existing 33 articles. Philosophy essays, have strong romantic color, have a great influence on later literature. 7�����ӣ���������Ϊ�䡣 Avoidance of Emperor Xuan Han Liu Xun name, was renamed Sun Qing. Major works of Xunzi, which encourage learning, such as articles, the days of discussion on the most representative. Otherwise affect the assign's story on the rise of the Han dynasty. Established Confucianism as the principal, and mining legalism and other various theories of philosophy. Han Fei, Li SI's are his legal successors. Are various schools of philosophy essays. Li SI's apology is the representative of the Jian-by guest book. 8�����ǣ����Ҽ�����ߡ� Major works of the Han Feizi, book 55 articles contained in the flat Gu Cai Huangong, the five of bark beetles, and the Nanguo Chushi for this book. Philosophy essays, on behalf of the pre-Qin publications. 9 �� L �� Buwei, Qin Xiang, client into a collection of the L��shi Chunqiu. L��shi Chunqiu, also known as Lu tour, a total of 160 articles. The review of this, the review for this book. Income of various schools of philosophy essays, works by representatives of the Eclectics. 10����ԭ����ƽ�� My first patriotic, romantic poet, open up a new style of the songs, is classified as a world cultural celebrity. Major works, of the nine songs including the Lisao (11 articles such as the mountain Ghost, and the war), of the day ask, of the nine chapters including (the River, and the implications, such as AI ying, the Ode to Orange, and 9). The Western Han dynasty Liu Xiang's into the book of songs, dominated by flexion. Due to strong State-colour, it is called ?songs?, later call these poetic songs ?body ?,? Li Sao?. Pioneered the romantic tradition of Lisao and poetry in the book of air and he had ?position?, became synonymous with ?literature?. 11����ս��ߡ���33ƪ�� Under the King of Qin Jing Ke Thorn, the bogey irony Zou Qi Wang take advices, and the Tang Ju not fail because of this book. The Western Han dynasty Liu Xiang based on historical documents prepared. Country history, historical essays, mainly recorded warring advice subject counselor persuaded leaders raise political opinion or argument and struggle strategies, as well as their political activities. On later generations of prose and poetry writing has a big impact. (��)����12�����꣬�ֳƼ���ֳ�ɳ����̫���� Major works of the new book of the ten volume 58 articles. Because of this book. The theory of the Qin dynasty (down three article on) otherwise on the product, such as storing sparse Memorial to the throne, the hanging Qu Fu, history of the Qin dynasty on the ?open? precedent. Assign songs on deck, the next Kai Fu, had a great influence. 13���������⻴���� Major works for the Huainan, also known as the Huainan, honglie. ?Nu Wa sky ?,? Hou shoot days ?,? the story for this goddess of the moon?. 14 �� Sima Qian �� zichang, history of alternative names is too public, known as Shi Qian. And two Sima Sima Guang and said ?history?. , Ban and said ?horses?. Major works of the historical records, also known as the book of taishigong. Complete book of 130 articles, including 12 family of biography of emperors, 8, 10 sheets, 30, 70, biongraphies. The Lian Po Lin Xiangru biongraphies, and the Hongmen banquet, and the volunteer, the biongraphies Qu Yuan, and the xinling Grand Theft breaks, such as save ZhaoThis book. Historical essays. General history of China's first history presented in a series of biographies, and create a biography of emperors, family, biongraphies book, tables, five kinds of styles, known as ?memoir? the history of faith. Lu Xun's praise for the ?end of historians, no rhyme Lisao?, ?dual wall? of historiography (the historical records, and the capital treatment of comprehensive mirror), one of the ?before? the history of three (the book of historical records, the Chinese law, and the book of Later Han), history of ?d? (the historical records, and the Chinese books and the book of Later Han, of the three kingdoms). 15 �� Ban Gu, Word Meng Jian, horse? ?class one. Major works are the book of Han. The Su Wu for this. Dating history presented in a series of biographies of books create a style, three history ?,? ?before? the history of one of the four. 16 �� dynasty, famous works of the Mo Shang Sang, the long song, and the evil, and the XV on army acquisition and the Southeast Peacock fly. See the first four song (Southern) Guo Maoqian, of the folk poetry series, which Xu ling of the Southern dynasties, of the yutaixin series. The Peacock fly Southeast is the longest in ancient China's narrative poems, and collectively called ?the poem of Mulan Yuefu dual wall?. ������ѧ��ʶ������(��)��������ϱ���17���ܲ٣�С���������ϵ£�׷��Ϊ��ۣ�����ܡ�֮�ס� Major works of the Wei Wudi set. Representatives of the bitter row, the turtle life, and the short songs, such as rows, and views of the sea. Case of folk lyrics. Create the installation character? in ?fresh air. Lu Xun's claims that he is Patriarch of the article ?transformation?. 18 �� Cao Zhi, character building, Chen Wang, IK SI, Si Chen after King, one of them. ?Three? major works for the Cao Cao Zijian collection of representative works of the Noda Siskin, the seven-step poetry, and the Los God assigns, the two are assigned, and the white horse's story. Cao Pi, Huan. Installation of seven in ?child?, ?seven? is Kong Rong, Chen Lin Jian, Wang Can, and Xu Gan, and Ruan Yu (y ��), �� (y �� NG), Liu Zhen. Wang Can the highest achievements of the seven poems of mourning. ?The seven sages of the bamboo forest?. ?The seven sages? facies and friendly,? ?tours in bamboo forest. They are Ji Kang, Ruan, Shan tao, Xiang Xiu, and salt, and Wang Rong Ruan, Liu Ling. 19 �� Zhuge Liang, and words to be wise, spreads appallingly fast Wolong nature reserve, wuxiang Hou. Zhuge Liang of the series, the acoustic Inst for this. 20�����٣��ֳ��� Major works of the three kingdoms. The long for this. 21���ɱ��������� Major works of the Supernatural Researches. The sharp tools, and the Dong Haixiao woman out of this. Is one of the first collection of short stories, ghost stories. 22 �� Tao Yuan-ming, one intermediate characters, since Mr v paliurus, IK-xianyang, China's first distinguished poetry person. The Tao Yuan-ming's collection. Representatives of the Peach Blossom Spring poetry and sequence, and the I am homeward bound these remarks, the vegetable garden, and the law, such as drinking. 23�����ʣ�����顷�� A surname of the child, such as a wife, and Zhang Heng for this. History presented in a series of biographies dynastic history, one of the first four history ??. 24 �� Liu Yiqing, assaulting linchuan King. Major works of the Genesis:, called the Genesis: a new book, when Tang, song, said of the Genesis: a new language. The Zhou Chu, and the period such as Chen Taiqiu and friends for this book. Literary sketches, recorded Wei-Jin-talk character anecdotes, and ?ghost stories? relative, can be thought of as beginning of novels of the ?journal?. 25 �� Xie, yanhe, in his later years as a monk, Dharma name wisdom. Main works of Wen Xin diao long, is China's first Department of theory of literature and art books. 26 �� North Korea dynasty, famous works of the poem of Mulan, the Royal Decree, the broken Willow lyrics were income of the folk poetry. ?The poem of Mulan Yuefu dual wall?. (e) the Tang 27 �� Wang Bo, Koyasu, "the early Tang dynasty the four masters" (the other three bits are Luo Binwang, Lu Zhao, Yang jiong). Major works of the Wang Zian sets, which give less du Fu shuzhou, the most famous of the Pavilion of Prince Teng sequence. His highest achievement in ?four masters?. 28 �� he zhizhang, Zhen Ji, since four of crazy residents. Major works are the book of the willow, and the home. 29����֮�����ּ��ꡣ Main works of the liangzhou words, of the bird building cranes. Quatrain of the liangzhou Word hailed as ?the quatrains in the Tang dynasty yajuanzhizuo?. Case of a frontier fortress poetry. 30���Ϻ�Ȼ�������ˡ� First a large number of people who wrote poems of the Tang dynasty, and Wang Wei, together, known as ?Wang Meng?. Major works, such as visiting an old friend, and the Midwest, down the Meng Xiang Yang collection. 31 �� Wang changling, little Bo, Jiangning district, who. Has participated in the Long Biaowei, Wang Longbiao, good written seven-syllable quatrains hailed as ?seven-syllable quatrains of a divine physician?. Major works for the beyond the border, and the army. Descendants of the Wang changling series set. Frontier fortress poetry, but good poetry. 32 �� Wang Wei, closely question, to the right Assistant Officer of the Minister, said Wang You Assistant Officer. Poet and painter. Meng Hao-ran's pastoral landscapes represented with Tang. Major works for the sending of the second Anxi (also known as the Sun song), the bird Valley and the Acacia, and the concept of hunting, the wangchuan stay at home idle gift, such as peixiucaidi. Become Wang You Assistant Officer of the Assembly. Sushi in the poem of praise for the ?art ?,? huazhongyoushi?. R> 33 �� Gao Shi, Duff, formerly a riding a waiter/waitress, called Takatsune waiter/waitress. CEN Shen, together, and that the ?high Shum?, with representatives of the Tang frontier fortress poetry. Main works of the song of Yan, Dong Da, posterity Takatsune series CD set. 34 �� Li Bai, Li Bai, spreads appallingly fast qinglian lay was in ancient China, following after one of the great romantic poet Qu Yuan, who said "Li Bai ' s romanticism". ��Ÿ������˳� ? ��� ? �� �ƴ����ʫ��֮һ�� ��Ҫ��ƷΪ���������������𡷡�������ѡ�������ҹ��衷����������ɽ���������ָ衷����������л����¥���ȣ���Ϊ����̫�׼��������ŵ�ʫ�������ĸ߷塣 �������˵ : "��������ڣ��������ɳ��� "��35���Ÿ������������Գƶ���Ұ�ϣ�������ʰ�š���У����Ա���ɣ����ƶ�ʰ�š��Ź����� His poems in the book of poetry is realism, after yet another art to new heights. As famous and Li Bai, asserts that ?the poetry of the great poet ?and the??. One of the three great poet of the Tang dynasty. Main works of the carriers, the spring look, and the cottage break song for autumn wind, the Wen Guanjun collection in Henan, Hebei, ?three collectors? (the Xin dynasty, and the stone of Daqing collectors, the law on tongguan collectors) ?three? (the newly married, and the getting on in years, and the homeless), forge Du Gongbu collection. First Jishi famous Yuefu, directly headed later, Po Chu-I's new folk movement. 36 �� CEN Shen, former jiazhou Thorn, known as Cen Jiazhou. Important representatives of frontier fortress poetry. Major works for the snow song magistrate sent weapons, such as Beijing, closed in Beijing, man of the Cen Jiazhou poetry. 37���Ͻ����ֶ�Ұ�� Jia DAO and says, the famous troubadeur. Major works for the autumn, and the poor women, such as Word, and the away-yin, become the Meng Dongye of poetry. Jia DAO Shi thin cold island? in ?suburbs. Longer than five words, destitute of tone. 38 �� Han Yu, annealing, officer to the Board of civil service Assistant Minister, posthumously, Korea Board of civil service, Han Wen Gong, which claims to have County looking Changli, SE Han Changli. Classical prose movement advocates in the Tang dynasty, Tang and Song dynasties first of the eight. Willow and Liu Zongyuan also said ?South Korea?. Main works of the masters say, the horse said, the original ruins of 12 francs, and the solutions enter college, and the offering, such as text, become the Changli collection. He proposes restoring the pre-Qin and Han dynasties prose tradition, abandon the North and South since the rhythmical prose style, enriched in favour of article content, and ?statement?. ? Advocate ?on poetry to prose as poetry, striving to novelty. 39 �� Liu Yu, dream and was a guest-au-Prince, Liu guests. And Liu Zongyuan collectively ?Liu Liu?, and BAI Ju-Yi's collectively ?Liu Bai?. Main works on my modest room, the BLACKTAIL ROW, and the bamboo, such as Word, become the guests set, and the collection of Liu Mengde. 40 �� Bai Juyi, Lotte, Xiangshan, his work. Tang Xin dynasty in major advocates of the movement, one of the three great poet of the Tang dynasty, and Yuan Zhen collectively ?white?. Long hated songs, such as the pipa, make the white Changqing set part descendants of white fragrant hills of poetry. Major works for the Qin yin, and the new ballads (including selling carbon Weng,) he is the successor of the realist tradition, advocated ?articles every now and then, and song poetry? for things. Popular representative of the legend, where the old woman can understand. 41 �� Liu Zongyuan, thick, this side of people, asserts Liu East, has been the thorn in liuzhou, liuzhou also known as the willow. One of the classical prose movement leader in the Tang dynasty, Han Yu and said ?? Korean willow. ?Eight? one of the Tang and Song dynasties. And the old fisherman, and the poems such as Jiang Xue. DE, "" Yongzhou Cf "(including the gravel Lake, and remember the Tong Quji biography, prose) main works of the snake catcher says, of the three commandments (including the donkey of Guizhou) established this side the Willows series. He is China's first independent of formal written literature fable writer, has opened up a new stage in the development of Chinese fable in ancient literature. 42����أ��ֳ����� Main works of the geese taishou, the gold and copper Cactus remarks, Chinese song, and so on, down to the Masatani collection. Imagine their works strange, magnificent words, romanticism, and unique style. Called guicai Lee. ������ѧ��ʶ����wbr>43������������֮�����С�ţ��������������ơ�С��š��� Fanchuan Villa in his later years, Du Fanchuan. Main works assigned to the room of the Palace, the Jiangnan spring quatrains, and the Tomb, and the parking of the qinhuai, autumn night, etc. Each other, of the fanchuan collection. He is particularly adept at an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal patterned rhyme scheme seven-syllable quatrains. How do prose tendency of significant impact on future generations. 44 �� Li Shang-yin, meaning mountain, Yuxi, Fan Nansheng. Major works for the Xijiao 100 classics, and the original and the Kam Le Tour, such as Joseph and the Untitled, established the Li Yishan of poetry, with essays on the Fan Nan. The Xijiao 100 classics is a lengthy political poem. With love as the theme of the untitled poem, and lingering embroidery Lai, images of Dim, has a big impact on future generations. 45 �� Li Yu, Chung Kuang, five dynasties period the Southern Tang Guo, said Li Houzhu. Major works of danger for the beauty, the met, such as joy, the multicolour grain orders, and its parent words carved into the Southern Tang dynasty II of the subject term. Wang Guo-Wei said, "words to Li Houzhu horizons began, feeling was deep, and resourceful words and words of officialdom. ��> (Vi) the song 46 �� Fan Zhongyan, natham Sivin, IK Wenzheng. Major works of the Yueyang Tower in mind, designed by yujiaao, down to the fanwenzhenggong collection. Poetry prose, opening song uninhibited wind. 47 �� Liu Yong, Longman III, senior citizen's Secretary, seven also known as willow, Willow opening up wasteland. Major works for the sound of the Bell ringing in the rain, and the eight of Ganzhou, the movements set handed down. And expanded the institutional capacity of the word, improves the performance capability of the word. A large number of creation slow rhymed term (long) 48 �� Yan Shu, uncle posthumously presented. Major works for the huanxi Sha, and the butterfly, and beads of jade, manyuan offer leave the word. Especially adept at short lyric, the wind speed refined weather wealth. 49 �� Ouyang Xiu, Yong-tert-butylamine, drunk, Weng, Children's Day lay, IK Wen Zhong. Leader of the Northern Song dynasty literature, ?eight? one of the Tang and Song dynasties. Major works and the new book of Tang Song Qihe, independence of the new history of the five dynasties (the resourceful sequence for this). The drunken old man booth in mind, and the Qiusheng, such as assigned, and the word Children's Day, man of the set of OU-Yang Wen Zhong. The Children's Day poetry was China's first poetry. 50 �� Su, Ming Yun, old springs. ?Eight? one of the Tang and Song dynasties, and erase, track collectively ?three? Su. Major works have the right set of (the theory of the six countries for this). Works in history, political comment. 51 �� Zeng Gong 's, solid, posthumously. Nan Fung Man, also known as Nan Fung. ?Eight? one of the Tang and Song dynasties. Major works of the draft class (named after the wares Hare reign). 52 �� Wang Anshi, between, mid-levels, Jing, spills, being public and Wang Wengong Jing. ?Eight? one of the Tang and Song dynasties. Major works of the swim Bao Zhong Yong, and Zen mind, and the injury, such as the yen, and the berthing Guazhou, sequential linchuan, linchuan King of set to the collection. Lenin as the 11th century reform ?China?. 53 �� Sima Guang, June, and Wen Guogong, spill Wenzheng, ���ʳɷ֡� of rivers and people, according to ���ʳɷ֡� water. History of ?Sima? one of the two. Major works for the Chief Editor of the capital treatment of comprehensive mirror. The battle of Red Cliff, and the battle of ���ʳɷ֡� water for this. Is a part of China's largest Chronicle history, book of 1362 years down to the warring States period and the facts. History ?dual wall?. 54���������ִ��С� Dream garden in his later years. Major works of the Dream Pool Essays. The simple and the Yandang mountain, and the living out of this book. 55 �� Su wipe, Zhan, East slope of his work. Wen Zhong spills. ?Eight? one of the Tang and Song dynasties, calligraphy Choi on SAC, Huang Tingjian, Miti and that song four ??. Major works as the song of the Red Cliff, and the stone of Zhongshan JI, song of the Xilin wall, questions, and the water, such as head, and my tender body, down the East slope of essays. Song of the greatest scholars. ?New in the statutes, send better from the uninhibited?. Creating a bold Word. Han Yu and known as the ?Han Chao Su Hai?. 56���ޣ������ɣ� ֮һ�� ?Eight? major works of the Tang and Song dynasties in luancheng collection. 57 �� Li Qingzhao, easy to live. Major works of the Lin Chun, the dream, and the sound, such as slow, down of the Gurgling Jade words. Most important of the ancient poetess, CI in the highest achievements in the Song dynasty. 58 �� Lu you, Word Outlook, Weng. ? Personal ?small Li Bai. Major works are the book of resentment, the shows, such as children, and the Phoenix hairpin. Down to the South of poems, and essays on the weinan, learn the magic notes. In ancient China Supreme poets of the middle class (with more than 9,000 poems duoshou). 59-��-JI, young, Jia Xuan, and Su Shi and said "Susin." Dragon person ?Word?. Major works of the famous Jiaxuan-short sentences with the fish, and the Wing lok, Qing pingle, and so on. Achievement differences in song, inheriting and developing the bold style of sushi, explore the performance scope of the term. 60 �� lyrics, Yao, Whitehead, Taoist. Major works of the Whitehead Taoist songs. The Yangzhou slow because of this. 61 �� Wen Tianxiang, Song Rui, shoes, Shin, Wenshan, a national hero. Major works as the song of the righteous, and guide to the zero-crossing Ding Yang, and the recording of the latter Foreword. There is the Wenshan complete works. Patriotic fine passionate moving her arms. (��)Ԫ62���غ���(��)����һի������ի�š� Zheng guangzu, Bai Pu, Ma Zhiyuan as well known as ?the Yuan four?. In ancient China's first great playwrights, cultural figures in the world. Major works is the (day) Dou e's grievances, and the dust, and saved the wangjiang Pavilion, and the single pass, and so on. 63����ʵ�����֣�������š� , Is one of the most successful works in Opera. Major works of the romance, plays one of the longest in the Yuan dynasty (v-21 Pack) Zheng guangzu, dehui. Major works of the qiannvlihun. 64 �� Ma Zhiyuan, miles, Dong Lei. Verse ?one of the four masters?. Major works of drama, of the fall of Han Kung, dynasty days net sand �� meditation in autumn, become the East Lei Yue Yuan dynasty one of the highest achievements in the author. 65������ƣ���ϣ�ϡ� Cloud. Major works of the yunzhuangxiuju road, little folk. The Hill sheep �� tongguan mediating on one of the most successful. 66��������־��ͣ���You want to work for the whistle �� Koso return Divertimento. literary knowledge at home and abroad (d) the common sense of Chinese and foreign literature (d) to (h) state 67 �� Shi Nai-an, major works for the loyal water swim short the Baihui of all men are brothers, baiershihui and 70. Is China's first full-length historical angle reflecting the peasant uprising, influence on later psychologies has changed dramatically. 68 �� Luo Guanzhong, Hong, Lake, sea, and China's first full of writing popular fiction authors. , The annals of sui and Tang dynasties, and the three suiping Monster biography. Major works of the popular romance of three kingdoms (hereinafter referred to the three kingdoms), of the three kingdoms as China's first full-length historical historical angle. Four odd (the outlaws, and the three kingdoms, journey to the United Nations, the Jin Ping Mei). 69 �� Wu Chengen, Yu Zhong Wang, Yangshan-shooting people. Major works of the West and drought in mind, is a famous Huishen magic novels long texts are works of classical literature in the most glorious myth, marked the new height of romantic literature. 70-��, Hee, earthquake, Sichuan. Essays on major works for the Sichuan earthquake. (The crest Inn, such as records, and my deceased mother biographical sketch). He praised Tang and Song dynasty literature, known as ?? Tang and Song dynasties. 71 �� Tang Xianzu, definitions, tips, sea, linchuan people. Major works of the Peony Pavilion (also known as the returning Ghost, and the purple Hairpin, the Handan in mind, and the South Ke JI collectively, "yumingtang four dreams", also known as "linchuan four dreams". Romantic masterpiece. 72 �� Feng Meng, Dragon, ink-goers, Studio owners, ink spreads appallingly fast foolish Master Saito, Gu song man. Major works for the edited collection of short stories "of three statements. The Yu Shi made it clear, and the Lasting Words to Awaken the World, and the stories to warn men altogether 120. The irrigation Park, old man late every fairy because of this. ?Three? and Ling Mengchu's early strike the table in surprise, collectively, the second strike the table in surprise ?three words II?, represents the highest achievement of quasi-telling in the Ming dynasty. 73�����ߣ������磬 ���䡣 ?Society? for the seven major works recording studio set, out of the five tombstones in mind. (��)��wbr>74�������ַ�˼���Ű��衣 Write Tang Minghuang, Yang love story. Major works of the Palace of Eternal Life (legend) 75 �� Kong shangren, engage, East pond, yunting recluse. Used primarily as the peach blossom fan (legend). Writes the southern Ming dynasty dynasty demise of historical dramas. 76 �� Pu songling, Lau Sin, liuquanjushi, strange stories. Major works of the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio. The cricket, and the Wolf, the Convention In the Infernal Regions, and the laoshan mountain, such as priests, and the painted skin for this. Famous classical collection of short stories in ancient China. Says a ghost to talk about how Fox reflects reality. 77����������ޡ� Hope Creek, Tongcheng, Anhui Province people. Major works of the Fang Wangxi banknotes. The public Zuo Zhongyi anecdotes for this. Tongcheng, founder, ?law?. ?? ??, ?Law? is ?ordered?, to pursue the language style yajie. 78 �� Wu jingzi, wood and min Xuan. Main works of authorship authentification and dating. 79 �� Yuan Mei, a Word, Jian Zhai, along with the Park owner. Major works of the collection of small cangshan grand musical composition: room. Contained in the offering, the Kenneth Huang library say for this. The Park, such as poetry. Advocates on the poems express humor, said ?soul?, dissatisfied with the Confucianism ?previous poetry? said. 80 �� Cao Xueqin, James, the word dream Ruan, snow, celery, celery nursery, celery Kai. Major works in the dream (GAO continued after 40) of the great full-length classical realism novel, taking Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu tragic love as clues, descriptions, and history, Wang, Xue Jia four families of xingshuaishi, reflects the increasing decline of fate of feudal society. Is the peak of developments in classical Chinese novels. 81��Ҧؾ���ּ����� Major works for the treasure held Xuan poetry collection. The mount Tai Ji. ?Tongcheng? one of the founders. Stands for "moral principles ?and the? criticism", "spreading formes" combination. And Fang Bao, three progenitor Liu Da�� and is called ?Tongcheng?. 82�������䡣 Matsuishi. Major works of the flowers in the mirrors, in a romantic way to write a fantasy landscape, such as "gentlemen ?,? daughter", "both sides" and so on. 83 �� GONG Zizhen, Joseph, and cover of vessel for food, the Enlightenment pioneer. Major works are the Plum Hall in mind, the Hai miscellaneous poems. Mountain writers of modern literature. 84������Ң�������ˡ� Department I Foshan people. Major works of the 20 years witnessing strange, such as status, history of the pain of condemned the novel. 85 Li Bao Jia, Bo Yuan, also known as South upright long. Major works are the offical appareo JI (the foreigners section for this). Also condemned the novel. 86 �� Liu, tieyun, Department of hongdu hundred chain. Main works of the RAR, the Ming listen to storytelling is one of the sections of the Lake. 87, Zeng Pu, major works are the unhappy world of flowers, condemned the novel. 88����������Words such as, one of the public, also known as drinking ice room master. Reformers on behalf of one of the characters. Kang You-wei collectively? ?Kang beam. Major works, such as the Tan sitong, the young Chinese said. The drinking ice room collections he is the creator of ?? new style: plain conda, miscellaneous slang, crambo and foreign syntax when, if not to bundle. Hailed as ?the best of modern China, one of the greatest journalists?. (J), contemporary 89 �� Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, Yu. Great writers and thinkers, revolutionaries, the Lord of the cultural revolution in China. ?Prepaid Tsuen does not review, Xing Han, I in my blade heart?, ?the writings on the Commander, I do not care playing my humble role?, this is a true picture of his life. Major works of collection of the shout (including the diary of a madman, and the a-Q, and the story of the Kong Yiji, etc), of the loss (including the blessing, and the mourning Windows etc), new edition of the story, and essays of the flower night ten (including the Fujino Kaoru, and the Fan Ainong), prose poetry of the weeds, 14 the essay collection, and a lot of letters. 90 �� Guo Moruo, formerly known as open Zhen, militarism. Outstanding writer, poet and dramatist, historian and research scientist. Is the banner on the LU Xun in China after the cultural front. Primary works of poetry published in 1921, the goddess; historical dramas (including the Phoenix Nirvana, the goddess of regeneration, of the coal in furnaces, etc) contained in the flower of Chinese Bush cherry, Qu Yuan, and the high catilla and the far out, the Peacock bile, and contained in the CAI Wenji, the Wu, and so on. The romantic poetry of the goddess was a distinguished, is the new literary history of the first immortal works of poetry, open wind generation new poetry. Laying the Foundation for new poetry movement. 91 �� ye shengtao, Shao Jun. Modern writers, and educators. Major works for the novels of the Ni Huanzhi, short story collection, such as 35, and the night, set the scarecrow, and the ancient heroes of fairy tales in stone. He is a history of modern China's earliest writing writer of fairy tales. 92 �� Mao Dun, formerly known as Shen Dehong, ice and geese, Mao Dun is a pseudonym. Outstanding modern writers, ?May Fourth? one of the pioneers of the new culture movement. Major works as Eclipse trilogy (the disillusionment, the shake, and the pursuit), the trilogy of the midnight, ?rural? (the spring rearing, and the autumn, the Convention of the last days of winter), the family store, prose of the scenery on the United Nations, the white Yang Li-Zambia. The midnight is the first in the history of modern realism long masterpiece, shows ?left wing? literary camp battle performance. 93��������ִ����ҡ� Major works for the fall and the spring breeze, such as drunk at night and the Bodian. 94����־Ħ���ִ�ʫ�ˡ� Major works in poetry of the Shima, such as poetry, the Tiger set, famous titles the blackish bridge, and the course of the disease, such as, the shayangnala, and the accidental. Is the Crescent school principal poet. ������ѧ��ʶ���壩������ѧ��ʶ���壩95���ﺺ������Ϸ��ң��ҹ����Ϸ��ĵ���ˡ� Major plays, the coffee shop one night, and the famous, and the death of the Two for the Road, the Guan hanqing's law, and the Princess Wencheng, otherwise Opera, such as the White Snake, Xie y ring. He is ?May Fourth after? one of the most accomplished playwright. After NIE er's music, the lyrics of the March of the volunteers of the widespread, then as a national anthem. 96�������壬�ִ����ҡ� Major works for the collections of poetry and prose of the tracks, essays, the European tour of the back notes, academic works of the classical changtan, famous, and the contents of the back, and the green of the Lotus pond Moonlight, the propeller sound Dengying qinhuai River, and the price of life-in-seven cents. 97����һ�ࡣ Famous patriotic poet and scholar. Major works in poetry, and the Red candle of the stagnant water. Famous song of the contents of the Sun of the yin, the laundry, the discovery and the law, such as a Word, and the stagnant water, academic works of the classical mythology and poetry, and the new meanings, and so on. 98 �� Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, residential homes, Manchu people. In 1950 by the title of ?people's artists?. Major works for the novels of the camel, and the four generations under one roof, plays the teahouse, the Longxugou, and the West, such as looking at Changan. Full-colour, Beijing oral application of lively, popular and no lack of humor. Formation of a Lao-style, as well as ?Beijing flavour? founder of the novels. 99 �� bingxin, formerly Xie Wanying, a famous woman writer. Major works in poetry, and the stars of the spring water, young readers to the essays and the cherry blossoms of praise, and so on. Maxim-style poem chant mother, virginity, and the sea. Essays ?love? philosophy, known as representatives of ?beauty?. 100 �� summer evolution, formerly known as Sheng Duan. Renowned playwright. Major works for the plays of Shirley, the Shanghai under the eaves, and the fascist bacteria, adapted screenplay, and the blessing of the family, such as shops, my family, reportage of the indentured laborer, author of our first scenario, of the stream. 101 �� BA Jin, formerly known as Li yaotang, very small sweet. Major works as a trilogy of novels ?torrent? (the House, and the spring and the autumn), ?love trilogy? (the fog, the rain, and the electricity), part ��Novels, such as cold night, the rest of the Park, essays, and the people defending the peace of the reflections, and so on. Description on the home for our country's history of modern feudal families of history's most successful works. In 1982, Italy ?Dante international prize?. 102 �� Zhao, formerly known as Zhao Shuli, the novelist. Main works of fiction xiaoerhei marriage, the rhymes of Li Youcai, and the changes of the leerjia-zhoang, and so on. The xiaoerhei marriage hailed as ?the liberated areas by representatives of art?, hailed as ?the rhymes of Li Youcai milestones? towards a national form. Its nationalization, popular, are representatives of ?potato?. 103 �� Cao Yu, formerly known as Wan Jia Bao. Dramatists. Major works for the screenplay of the thunderstorm, Sunrise, the field of implementation of the Convention, the Convention of Peking Man, the clear sky, and the gall bladder, such as articles, and Wang Zhaojun. 104 �� AI, formerly known as Jiang Haicheng, famous poets. Major works of the dayanhe �C my nanny, the dawn of notifications, and the snow falls on the land of China, and the North, and the cart, the praises of the light of implementation, and so on. His work marks the ?after the May Fourth? an important stage in the development of free verse, new poems have a great impact in the future. 105 �� Zhou LIBO, major works of the storm, and the tremendous changes in a mountain village. The storm is one of the most successful literary works that appear during the war of liberation, Stalin Prize for literature. 106 �� Sun Li, formerly known as Sun Shuxun, major works for the novel of the first book of short stories, such as the Lotus Lakes. Works are full of poetic, has "style novel," said. ?? Founder of baiyangdian. 107 �� Liang bin 's, major works for the novel the red flag spectrum, and the bohuo in mind. Works are generally farmers living in the North and the epic struggle during the revolution in China. 108 �� Qing Liu, mainly works for flute novel type of Valley in mind, the impregnable fortress, and the chuangyeshi. 109 �� TU pengcheng, major works to defend Yanan, China's first large scale positive description of the novel the war of liberation. Novels of the main character Pende cups, Dayong Zhou. 110 �� Ji Li, mainly works for the long poems of Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang, long narrative poems of the Yang Gao. Former Xintian You sing revolutionary struggle of the people of Northern Shaanxi Province, occupies an important position in the history of modern poetry. 111 �� Yang Mo, major works for the novel the song of the youth, reflects the historical destiny of 30 Chinese intellectuals and growth, the main character Lin Daojing, Lu Jiachuan, Yu Yongze. 112 �� Bo, major works for the novel of the story of tracks in the snow forest adventure tension, legendary. 113 �� Luo Guangbin statements, and Yang Yi, major works for the novels of the Red Rock, fiction main character Xu Yun feng, Jiang Jie, spy Xu Pengfei. works of foreign authors (a) Greece 1 �� Zeus, Greece mythology the highest gods, in charge of the Thunder Cloud and rain, is the master of man and God. (Romans as Jupiter) 2 �� Apollo, Greece mythology the son of Zeus, head of bright, young, music, poetry, juvenile image often armed with bows and arrows. 3 �� Athens, Greece mythology the goddess of wisdom and patron of Athens. 4 �� Pandora, Greece myth of the first woman. Beauty of fraud, unauthorized opening Zeus sent her a box, filled with scourges such as diseases, mad, evil, envious, fly out, only wants to stay in the box base, room full of catastrophes. ?Pandora's box? sources? of ?disaster disaster preparedness, synonymous. 5 �� Prometheus, Greece mythology benefit of God on Earth. Steal down Tomen brought into the world, and transferred to the human variety of crafts, the wrath of Zeus, was locked in the gaojiasuoshan cliff, Divine Eagle pecking. Is a hero against violence, did not hesitate to sacrifice everything for humanity. 6 �� Sphinx, Greece mythical Lion Lamia. Often called crossing pedestrian quiz, guess not pedestrian killed soon. Answers is end of Russia after Sam Philips discover, committed suicide. Often called ?puzzle? same character. Egypt shishenrenmianxiang the same name. 7�������ϣ��äʫ�ˡ� Major works for the Iliad (translation of the yiliangji), the Odyssey (also translated the aode JI). Described in the Iliad for ten years the Trojan war, the Odyssey, written after the end of the Trojan war, Greece Odyssey hero story of adventure in their hometowns. Marx praised it charms? of ?show permanently. (b) the United Kingdom 8 �� Shakespeare, Renaissance of the great playwright and poet, major works to play 37, tragedy has "four great tragedies" (Hamlet, the Convention of Othello, and Macbeth, King Lear) and Romeo and Juliet, the merchant of Venice, and the 12th night of comedy, the Convention, such as happy, historical dramas, such as the lichaershi and the henglisishi. Marx called ?the greatest genius of drama?. 9 �� Defoe, a famous novelist, major works of the Robinson Crusoe, describing the bourgeoisie during the rise of a hero. 10 �� Byron, the great poet. Representative as a poetic novel Don Juan, through various experiences of young nobleman Don Juan, attacked the reactionary feudal forces in Europe. 11 �� Shelley, positively romantic poets. Major works of drama, of the liberation of Prometheus, lyrics of the ODE (?Dongfeng is here, can spring be far behind you?), to a Skylark, and the song of liberty and so on. Drama expression against the autocratic rule of faith is bound to win the fight. One of the most outstanding representatives of the romantic poets. European history of one of the first poets to sing of Utopian socialism. 12 �� Dickens, writer, mainly works for the novel David Copperfield, the exposing the hard times, and the tale of capitalist greed, hypocrisy and corruption of the judicial and administrative bodies. Is the United Kingdom representative of an important literary critical realism. 13 �� Arthur Conan Doyle, writer, major works for the detective stories of Sherlock Holmes, the world's most famous detective novels. 14 �� Bernard Shaw, dramatists, major works for the Mrs Warren's profession, the widowers ' houses, and the law, such as major Barbara, the Apple Cart, exposes the hypocrisy of the capitalist society and evil, sympathy for the working class. V leases, author of reflecting the revolutionary heroic spirit of the novel the Gadfly. (c) France 15 �� Morris mourning, great comedy, is one of the highest achievements in comedy writers in the world. Main works of the hypocrite, the miser (the miser), a total of 37 comedy. Flogging the feudal system and the evil forces, is the world's best in comedy works. 16 �� Hugo, great writers, and European romantic literature the most outstanding representatives of the 19th century. Main works of novels of the Notre Dame, Les Miserables, the Convention, such as the man who laughs, 93. Wrote the tragic world of unemployed temporary employment ran �� Agen always steal do ' caught a piece of bread though prison. Ask Zhao about after, became entrepreneurs and mayors, but unable to escape persecution. 17 �� Stendhal, critical realism writers. Representatives, as the red and the black writing under the feudal system of civilian youth are connected, do everything possible to climb up, was eventually sent feudal forces might put on. ?Red? uniform color, means the path of the ?military?, ?black? Bishop trappings, means the road of priests and bishops. ������ѧ��ʶ����wbr>������ѧ��ʶ����wbr>18���Ͷ���ˣ�������ѧ���ΰ�ˣ���ʵ�����ʦ�� Major works of the human comedy, including the old high, and the Eugenie �� Grandet, and Bel��m, such as aunt uncle, and Valerie Bunce. Is the size of one of the most magnificent creations in world literature, as well as human mind work one of the most brilliant results. Marx's provide a documentary called it ?France history of realism in society, in particular the Paris high society of excellence?. 19�����£��������ҡ� Major works for the novels by representatives of the small things, such as, short stories, and the last lesson of the Berlin wall, and so on. Flaubert, Zola, Goncourt, carcass, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev composition and Literature Association ?dinner? five person. 20 �� mo Mulberry Park, known as the "great master of short stories". Major works for the novel of the life of the short stories of friends and the good looks of the ball of fat Huleu, my uncle, and the necklace. And Russia of Chekhov, and United States o ' Henry's hailed as King of the world's three major short story. 21 �� Ouren��baodiai, workers ' poets. Major works of The Internationale. Workers bier��di Mr music composer, Lenin said he is ?one of the greatest songs as a tool of propaganda?. 22 �� Romain �� Roland, writer, Nobel Prize laureate. Major works for the novel of the yuehan��kelisi Erich leinsdorf, describing a personal struggle to resist the tragic figure of the artist social (in Beethoven's prototype). (d) Germany, Russia (USSR) 23 �� Goethe-Institut, Germany on behalf of the Supreme achievements of literature. Major works in epistolary novel of the young Victor's troubles, poetic drama Faust. 24��ϯ�գ�ʫ�ˡ������ҡ� Major works of the Intrigue and Love (play), the Ode to Joy (poem). 25 �� Heine, poet, political commentators, friend of Karl Marx. And the Germany major works (unitary lixiya Weaver) �C a Winter fairy tale. 26����ϣ�� The great poet. Major works for the lyrics of the song of liberty, and the Bronze Horseman, and a long narrative poems, and fairy tale poems of the poetic novel Ye Fu gaini��aoniejin, such as the story of the fisherman and the fish. To initiate the development of the 19th century Russian literature and the role of a Foundation, is Russia example of literary language, enjoys a worldwide reputation. ?Comrade, believe it: charming happy stars will be on the rise, shoot out rays?! (caused by the generation daev). 27 �� Gogol, 19th century, Russian satirist of the best, founder of critical realism. Major works as a satire comedy of the Imperial Watchdog, novels of the dead players. 28 �� Ivan Goncharov, writer. Major works of the aoboluomofu. 29 �� Tu Luo Konev, major works for the novels of the Romanian Pavilion, home of the father and the son, and the nobles, prose tales of the Hunter notes Novella of the wood. Short description of the Hunter notes serfs miserable life, attacking the SERF system, known as ?one? kindling the fire of books. 30 �� by Leo Tolstoy, outstanding realism of writers, main works are the novel war and peace, such as the Anna��kalienina, and the resurrection. One of the world peak of realist literature, Lenin called ?mirrors? in the Russian Revolution. 31����ڭ�����ҡ� Major works for the short story of the little death of civil rights, the Chameleon, and the Novella the man in the Sixth Ward, play the Seagull, Uncle Vanya, the Convention of the law, such as three sisters, is Russia the only writer of short stories the world literary World Summit. 32 �� Gorky, great writers of the proletariat. Main work is autobiographical trilogy childhood, the Convention on human rights, the my University, the novel of the mother, prose poem of the Petrels, and so on. Lenin called ?the most outstanding representatives of the proletarian art?, said the mother was a very timely book ??. 33 �� NI��aositeluofusiji. How to into the major works of the iron and steel. (e) other countries 34 �� Dante, Italy, the great poet, forerunner of the Renaissance. Engels claims that he is ?finally a poet of the middle ages, but it is also a new era was initially a poet?. Major works of the Divine Comedy----, (hell, the net, and the heaven of three parts). In fantasy form, write Dante getting lost, being guided psychogenic fugue the three realms. See corrupt officials in the hell are subjected to a penalty, lighter such as seen in the net given to lust covetous man can sinners, see martyr noble soul in heaven. 35 �� Boccaccio, Italy, important in the Renaissance writer, important representatives of humanism. Major works for the collection of short stories of the 10th on. 10 young men to escape the plague, live in the outskirts of a House per day per person telling a story, a total of 100 story 10 days. Object hierarchy and asceticism, demand emancipation. 36��������˹���������� Major works of the Church �� of Don Quixote. Description Church �� adventures of Don Quixote and the service of sangqiao��Pansa. Reveal the ugliness of feudal forces, irony of chivalry and Knights in literature. Is Europe's oldest outstanding realism novel. 37, Hans Christian Andersen, Denmark writer of fairy tales. Main works of the ugly duckling, the Emperor's new clothes, and the little match girl, and so on. One of the most outstanding children's work in the world. 38 �� micikaiwei, Poland distinguished poets. Dubbed "the King of birds--Hawk". Major works of the Ode to youth praised Poland youth of the Marseillaise. 39 �� Sandor Petofi, Hungary, active romantic poet of the 19th century's most outstanding. Major works are the nation's song, the against the King, and so on. 40 �� Ibsen, Norway, and dramatists. ?Problem plays? the representatives of the home. Major works of the doll's House, the Public Enemy, the more than more than 20 plays. Sharp to reveal the contradictions of the capitalist society, is the world's treasures of the dramatic. 41 �� Whitman, United States the great poet, major works in poetry including the grass of the knock it! Knock it! Knock it!, this battle of poetry. Breaking traditional rules, the first body poetry. Against slavery, fighting for freedom and equality. 42 �� Mark Twain, United States writer. Major works for long satirical novels of the gilded age, the tangmu��suoya adventures of children's literature, short stories, such as the run for Governor, and the millions of pounds. Awareness of the reality of the capital took the deepening, easy humor turned to bitter irony. 43 �� o ' Henry 's, United States short story writer. Major works for the gift of the Magi, the police and the law, such as hymns, the last piece of vine leaves, about 300 articles. ?By transcription United States living encyclopedia of humor?. 4 �� Hemingway, United States writer, Nobel Prize laureate. Is a Novella by the representatives of the old man and the sea. Describing the story of an old fisherman struggle with sharks, ?who can do what you can achieve performance level, describing the dignity of the human soul?. Important works of the farewell, weapons, the snows of implementation, and so on. 45 �� xiaolinduoxi II, Japan writer, Japan the founder of the proletarian literature. A Novella by the representatives of the crab boat. Description of deckhands tragic life and the awakening, struggle. 46���ظ��ӡ��ʫ�� ; Writer. Nobel Prize for literature laureate. Poetry of the birds set, and the Crescent Moon, the gardener series, novels, such as the wreck. His poetry was designated as the will of the people, India national anthem. 150 Chinese and foreign literature general knowledge question 1, our first General anthologies of poetry is the book of Odes, collected poems of early last week, settle in by the middle of the spring and Autumn period, a total of 305 articles, divided into "wind" and "ya", "Chung" in three parts. Poems with four words, the repeated chant of art has a chapter on stack characteristics. 2, the Confucian classics "four books" are the Analects, the universities, the doctrine of the Convention,Mencius. 3, the Confucian classics "five classics" as contained in the poem, the book, and the easier, the ceremony, and the spring and Autumn period of implementation. ?The five classics? increase after the music as ?six?, also known as the six arts . ?The five classics? together with the Analects, the filial piety as ?seven?. 4, Confucius said, "when to learn and a pleasure, not also saying? friends from afar? who do not know but not angry, not noble?" , "have an insatiable desire to learn, be tireless in teaching. ? by reviewing new knowledge, as a teacher. ? "The above sentence from the Analects. 5, cited China's ancient myths, such as: Nu Wa (w ��) sky, Hou Yi (y ��) shooting, Jingwei filling up the sea, (Pangea) creation, and so on. 6, China's ancient great Fables from the persistence of the liezi speaks, legend, made to the warring States period Zheng Guoren Lie Yukou. 7, on the basis of folk songs of Chu General anthologies is the processing formation of China's first romantic poems songs, for posterity, also known as the songs "Li Sao". 8, Qu Yuan (former 340?-277?), and our country's greatest patriotic poet. Doctor in Chu left a surname level. Representatives are the Lisao, and the nine songs, the chapters and the asked. 9 "long a long way when my quest", "long sighing to hide your tears don't get, summary of the life more difficult" from the Lisao. 10, hundred schools essay, which is Laozi, founder of the Taoist school, Lee's ear, a word used in a person ' s name (d �� n) and author of the daodejing. 11, mounds of Confucius, Word Zhong Ni. Is the Confucian school founder. The Analects is Confucius ' disciples record book for students of Confucius and his words and deeds. 12, MO Chak (d, which had), MO-founder of the school. Author of the mo-53 articles. 13, Mencius called a surname, a Word. Inheritors of the Confucian school. Mencius Mencius student record book of Mencius ' words and deeds. As A just cause enjoys abundant support an unjust cause finds little was born in misery, died of the mercy of the storm to see Mencius the fish I want articles. 14, Chuang-Tzu week, warring States period of Taoism. The Zhuangzi. Such as the skilled and magical craftsmanship story. 15, "the volume of water is not thick, the boat also powerless. ���� Wind-blown or thick, its large wing is also weak. " escape from the Chuang Tzu. 16, Xunzi, and Confucianism in the warring States and author of Xunzi 32 articles. Such as the encourage learning articles. 17, Han Fei, legalism. S of the Han Feizi. Bian Que see Cai Huangong, the five codling, Tomoko suspects and the adjacent text. 18, also known as the the L��shi Chunqiu Lui tour was Qin L �� Buwei and collective creation of his client. 19, "Judging from astronomy, takes time-varying, and judging from the humanities, into the world", this quote comes from the ancient Chinese classic of the book. 20, "heaven, so to exert ourselves constantly. Topography-Kun, a gentleman to virtuous ", this quote comes from the ancient Chinese classic of the book. 21, the so-called "then known, and known until then, and heart, heart and body, body repair and align, alignment and governance, governance and the world is flat", said was a gentleman to go into sth. seriously the primitive and seeking a true knowledge of things, is to serve the country and strengthen their own morality, man of culture. This quote comes from the ancient Chinese classic of the University. 22, "obscurity brink, and know it is boundless", from the Zhuangzi's health story. 23, Fu is the complex of verse and prose in ancient China. Representative work such as Jia Yi of the theory of the Qin dynasty, the hanging of Qu Yuan, Szu-the fictitious assigned shanglin Fu law. 24, Yue Fu folk poetry collected in the former Han dynasty music authorities. Song Guo Maoqian series of the folk poetry, compiled between Han and Wei Tang dynasty lyrics. 25, "shaozhuangbunuli, vainly regret in old age one's laziness in youth" from the Han dynasty, of the line long song. 26, the Southeast Peacock fly was the Han dynasty narrative development to new heights. First seen in southern Xu Ling codification of the yutaixin. 27, the "three Cao" namely Cao's son Cao Cao and Cao Pi, Cao Zhi. representatives of 28, Cao Cao had the bitter cold, and the turtle is life, and the short songs, such as the view of the sea. 29, Cao Cao the turtle life quote: "the able men tied down to a routine post, have a great ambition, and martyrs of old age, great aspiration. " Artemisia lines 30, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi's the poems of seven steps, and the Los assigned and the name of God's story, the white horse's story are very famous. 31, Cao Cao has created "Jian-character" fresh air, outside in addition to three Cao, Wei period famous writers as well as "Jian-seven". 32, the Wei and Jin dynasties "seven sages of the bamboo forest" is Ruan Ji, Ji Kang, Liu ling, and Shan-tao, and Wang Rong, Xiang Xiu and Liu salt. 33, Tao Yuan-ming, hidden, characters, called Jing. He was the first distinguished poetry person. The paradise of his book of the homeward prose of the vegetable garden of the alcohol was handed down. 34, Wang Xizhi's Lanting set is the representative of the sequence. 35, Xie, yanhe, in his later years as a monk, Dharma name wisdom. He mainly works as Wen Xin Diao, is China's first Department of theory of literature and art books. 36, "the early Tang dynasty the four masters" is Wang Bo, and Luo Binwang, and Lu Zhao, and Yang jiong. ?The four masters? is of the highest achievements in Wang Bo, shuzhou his sending less du Fu Wang Ge preface to the most famous of the knee. 37, Wang zhihuan major works of the liangzhou words of the bird building cranes. His quatrains of the liangzhou Word hailed as ?the quatrains in the Tang dynasty yajuanzhizuo?. 38, Wang Wei, Word Jie, to the right Assistant Officer of the Minister, said Wang You Assistant Officer. Poet and painter. Major works for the send elementWeicheng be Anxi, also known as the second song, the Sun song. Sushi in the poem of praise him ?drawing? ?huazhongyoushi?. representatives of 39, the frontier Tang poems is "high, Shum", means the GAO Shi and CEN Shen, together. GAO Shi's major works, such as the song of Yan Dong Da. CEN Sen's major works as the snow white songs sent magistrate, Beijing and so on. 40, Li Bai, Li Bai, spreads appallingly fast qinglian lay, person "Li Bai ' s romanticism". Major works to the sleepwalking days basking Yin rubetsu, and the Sichuan Road is difficult, since the Convention, such as Tianmen mountain, autumn pumped songs, established the Li Taibai collection of his poetry represents the peak of classical poetry of the romantic style. 41, "drive will sometimes cloud sails sea", from the hardships of Li Bai. 42, "born of my material will be useful, gold powder to make complex", from Bai's drinking you a toast. 43, "bow and scrape and powerful, so I am not happy face" from Li Bai of the sleepwalking days basking Yin rubetsu. 44, "out of clear water Lotus, natural beauty," recalls the old travel books donated Jiang Xiawei from Li Bai taishou benign and slaughter. 45, Du Fu and Li Bai, together, person "Li du". Han Yu praised by saying: "liduwenzhang, long cast its radiance far and wide. " 46, Du Fu beautiful, called" the great poet ". (The newly married, and the getting on in years, and the homeless), forge Du Gongbu collection. DE, "" three "main works of the carriers, the spring look, and the cottage break song for autumn, accepting the Wen Guanjun of Hebei, Henan," three collectors "(the US officials, and the stone Daqing collectors, the tongguan collectors of) his poems represent the peak of realism, poetry and art, known as the ?poetry?. 47, "the article through the thing, is kind of knowledge" from Du Fu, of the question. 48,, "rural cold Island thin" refers to the suburbs and Jia DAO and says, all famous troubadeur. 49, Meng Jiao major works of the Chinese yin, in the poem "who's Raggedy man, be repaid". after 50, Jia DAO's poems: "the second sentence of three years, one Yin double tears". 51, "ten years rubs a sword," Jia DAO is the Musketeers in the sentence. 52, Han Yu, also known as the Han Changli, classical prose movement advocates in the Tang dynasty, Tang and Song dynasties first of the eight. Willow and Liu Zongyuan also said ?South Korea?. Representatives of the masters say. 53, Liu Yu, Liu guests. Main works on my modest room, the BLACKTAIL ROW, and the bamboo, such as Word. 54���׾��ף������졣 Fragrant Hill, his work. Tang Xin dynasty in major advocates of the movement, and Yuan Zhen collectively ?white?. Major works to the Qin yin, and the long hate, such as song of the pipa, make the white Changqing collection. , The new dynasty of implementation (including the selling, such as carbon Weng) he is the successor of the realist tradition, that "articles every now and then, and song poetry. " 55" in the sky would like to make pair of lovebirds, willing to love tree "from Po Chu-everlasting regret the long hate songs. 56, "is the end of the world into people, why should we meet acquaintances" from Po Chu-everlasting regret of the pipa. 57, "riding the world feizixiao, no one knows is Lychee" from Tang Dumu Hua Qing. 58, "women don't know subjugating the hate, across the River sings of the Chamber after spending" out of du MU, of the qinhuai parking. 59, "xiantianxiazhiyoueryou, and enjoy" the Yueyang Tower from Fan Zhongyan JI. 60, Liu Yong, formerly known as the three remain unchanged. Major works for the sound of the Bell ringing in the rain, and the eight of Ganzhou, the movements set handed down. Liu Yong words ?where there is water everywhere won Song Liu? the reputation of the word. His large creation slow rhymed term long, greatly improving performance abilities of the word. 61, "three Su" means collectively, Su Xun Zi Su Shi, zhe. 62, "I wish a long, long last our friendship" from the song of sushi to the water. 63, Li Qingzhao, easy to live. Major works like a dream, such as orders, the sounds of slow, down of the Gurgling Jade words. She is the most important ancient poetess, CI in the highest achievements in the Song dynasty. 64, Xin Qi-JI, Jiaxuan. Major works of the Jia Xuan-short sentences. He inherited and developed the bold style of Su wipe, explore the performance scope of the term. 65, Huizong emperor Sung poet, the greatest impact was Zhou bangyan. 66, lyrics, Yao, Whitehead, Taoist. Major works of the Whitehead Taoist songs, Heng Fa Chuen days, such as shadows, Yangzhou slow because of this. 67, existing only in the Jin dynasty period full of various Gong diao works is the romance of various Gong Diao, Dong Jieyuan 68, Guan hanqing Zheng guangzu, Bai Pu, Ma Zhiyuan as well known as the "verse four masters". 69, Guan hanqing's major works of the Dou e's grievances to the rescue of dust, such as the wangjiang Pavilion, and the single pole. 70, Wang Shifu major works of the romance, plays one of the longest in the Yuan dynasty, is one of the most successful works in Opera. (21 percent) 71, MA Zhiyuan, major works of drama, of the fall of Han Kung, dynasty days net sand �� meditation in autumn, and so on. He is one of the highest achievements of the Yuan dynasty author. 72, zu, linchuan people. Main works of the Peony Pavilion, the purple hairpin and the Handan in mind and the KE JI South, collectively, four dream of ?yumingtang?, also known as ?linchuan four dream?. 73, Feng Meng, ink-goers, Studio owners, spreads appallingly fast song Gu people. Major works for the edited collection of short stories ?three? (Yu Shi expressly the Lasting Words to Awaken the World, and the stories to warn men) a total of 120 pieces. ?Three?Ling Mengchu's the strike the table in surprise at the beginning of the second strike the table in surprise collectively, three words II? ?, represents the highest achievement of quasi-telling in the Ming dynasty. 74, "who died in life, and never regretted sacrificing himself for who" from the song of Wen Tianxiang, the zero-crossing Ding Yang. 75, "don't people praise the color well, leaving only fresh filled heaven" by Yuan Wang Mien of the ink plum. 76, "to exert oneself to the utmost Hun is not afraid, to pale in the human world" from out of the lime Yin Yu Qian. 77, Gong Zizhen Hai miscellaneous poems, famous Qing dynasty: "get off the Red is not a heartless, into more Flower Spring mud", "I advise to enliven heaven, stick to drop people". 78, "generation Tebito, dominated the hundreds of years" Qing Zhao Yi of the poetry of the sentence. 79, the Ming dynasty "four odd" is the historical angle of the romance of the outlaws and the bodhisattva and the Jin Ping Mei. The author called the Jin Ping Mei lanling smiled, which reflect the social reality in the middle of the Ming dynasty. 80 of realistic fiction, Cao Xueqin's great dream of taking Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu tragic love as clues, descriptions, and history, Wang, Xue Jia four families of xingshuaishi, reflects the increasing decline in feudal society. 81, Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren. Great writers and thinkers, revolutionaries, the Lord of the cultural revolution in China. Major works of collection of the shout (including the diary of a madman, and the a-Q, and the story of the Kong Yiji, etc), and the Pong agitated, (including the blessing, and the mourning Windows, etc). Essays of the flower night color picker. 82, "prepaid Tsuen does not review, Xing Han, I in my blade heart" and "writings on the Commander, I do not care playing my humble role", which is the true picture of Lu Xun's life. 83, Guo Moruo, outstanding writer, poet and dramatist, historian and research scientist. Primary works of poetry published in 1921, the goddess, was a prominent romantic poems, laid the Foundation for new poetry movement. (Including the goddess of the Phoenix Nirvana fan, such as regeneration) history plays, the flower of Chinese Bush cherry, catilla the Qu Yuan, and the high fades away from, and the Peacock bile, contained in the CAI Wenji, Wu Zetian, and so on. 84, Xu Zhimo, modern poets. Famous titles the blackish bridge of the ill, such as the shayangnala the accidental. He is the major poets of the Crescent school. 85, Tian, the famous dramatist, founder of revolutionary drama. After NIE er's music, the lyrics of the March of the volunteers of the widespread, then as a national anthem. 86, Zhu ziqing, modern writers. Main contents of the back, and the Green, the Lotus pond Moonlight, and the propeller sound Dengying qinhuai River, and so on. 87, Wen Yiduo, a famous patriotic poet, scholar. Major works in poetry, and the Red candle of the stagnant water. Academic works of the classical mythology and poetry, and the new meanings, and so on. 88, Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, Manchu people. In 1950 by the title of ?people's artists?. Mainly works for the novels of the camel, the four generations living together, plays of the teahouse, the Longxugou, and so on. Rich Beijing oral application, make it a ?Beijing flavour? founder of the novels. 89, bingxin, formerly Xie Wanying, a famous woman writer. Major works in poetry, and the stars of the spring water and young readers to the essays of the law, and so on. Maxim-style poem chant mother, virginity, and the sea. Essays ?love? philosophy, known as representatives of ?beauty?. 90���ͽ�ԭ����Ң�ġ� Major works as a trilogy of novels ?torrent? the home of the spring to the autumn, ?love trilogy? the fog, the rain, and the electricity. Description on the home for our country's history of modern feudal families of history's most successful works. In 1982, Italy ?Dante international prize?. 91, China representative of the misty North Island, Shu Ting, Gu Cheng, and so on. 92, "night gives me a black eye, and I use it to find the light" from the Gu Cheng of the generation. 93, the homesickness is Taiwan poet Yu Kwang-chung's work. 94, Xu Chi is the song Derbach guess classics in contemporary reportage. 95, a new literary forms--online literature is rising. Internet literature in broad terms, refers to literature communication over the network, can be classified into three broad categories, is transmitted over the network of paper literature; two literary work was published as a Web page; three is in the Forum (BBS) published literature. 96, ancient Greece Homer was a folk singer, known as "troubadours". Classics of Western literature's most ancient works of ancient Greece's two-part epic: the Iliad and the Odyssey, and the teluoya of war-related. The Iran describe ten-year Trojan war, wrote of the Olympics after the end of the Trojan war, Greece Odyssey hero story of adventure in their hometowns. 97, the Oedipus the King is representative of Sophocles, as well as in ancient Greece in the tragedy of the best works. 98, India two epic is the mo Bharat and the Rama evolution. 99, Italy Dante's Divine Comedy, is divided into three parts: the hell's story, the Purgatorio, and the heaven's story. Engels to Dante's assessment: "Finally a poet of the middle ages, but it is also a new era was initially a poet. " 100, Italy Boccaccio with a story of the 10th on the beginning, leads to 100 stories to suit them in a common background story, cover story in this story, so that the overall structure of the form of a series of stories. 101, United Kingdom ShakespeareArt during the Renaissance the great playwright and poet, major works for the script part 37. Four great tragedies: Convention of Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. His work represents the highest achievement of Western classical drama, Marx called ?the greatest genius of drama?. 102, "live or die, this is a problem. "From Shakespeare's Hamlet. 103, Spain running through the works of the Church of Don Quixote of Cervantes humanism thought and realism. 104, Germany Goethe accept progressive literary movement "Hurricane ' rush" campaign influence, became Lord of this movement. 105, Goethe-Institut's most important works are the epistolary novel the young Victor worry, as well as the poetry of the Faust. Faust has experienced knowledge pursuit, love life and political career, artistic pursuits and careers to pursue in five stages. 106, United Kingdom of Byron's poetic novel Don Juan by various experiences of young nobleman Don Juan, attacked the reactionary feudal forces in Europe. But Greece is a long poem Don Juan, plug in. 107, France Hugo is the European romantic literature the most outstanding representatives of the 19th century. Novels of the Notre Dame, Les Miserables, the maritime labour Convention, the Convention, such as the man who laughs, 93. 108, Pushkin is representative of the Russian romantic literature, is the pioneer of realism, he is the founder of Russian literature, Gorky referred to him as "the greatest ancestor of Russian literature". By representatives of Pushkin: daev induced by the Ode to liberty, and the, the Caucasian captive law, as well as poetic novel of the yepugaini \ Onegin. 109, France is divided into three major categories of the human comedy of Balzac, "custom research", "philosophy of research" and "study", "custom research on" the most important. Marx's provide a documentary called it ?France history of realism in society, in particular the Paris high society of excellence?. 110, Dickens on the United Kingdom critique of capitalist society reveal the breadth and depth, in the United Kingdom to none in Europe are also first-class. Marx and novelist he has referred to as "brilliant novelist" . Representatives of Charles Dickens: the David Copperfield, and the bleak house, and the hard times, and the two cities and the Great Expectation. 111, France published writer Stendhal 1830 novel the red and black, written under the feudal system of civilian youth are connected, do everything possible to climb up and eventually sent to break. ?Red? uniform color, means the path of the ?military?; ?black? Bishop trappings, means the road of priests and bishops. 112, United States Whitman creations and closely linked to the spirit of the times, and poets to life, "downright cursedness" was completed as the grass "of my certification card, left for future generations of the new world". 113, Gogol plays the Imperial Watchdog, by representatives of Russia, novels of the diary of a madman, the coat well . The dead players is Russian natural foundation works of literature. 114 f Guo Tuosi Dostoyevsky was representative of realism in Russia, Tolstoy, and carcass, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Liu Ming, regarded by many, the Explorer of Western modernism. Representative was of the crime and punishment. 115, United States writer Mark Twain is the representative of the adventures of tangmu��suoya and the hakebeili��feien adventure. 116, France Mo Mulberry Park known as "the great master of short stories," said. Description of the ball of fat is lower people's representatives. 117, Norway Ibsen is the famous playwrights and poets, the representatives of the doll's House. Some people say he is the father of modern drama ??. 118, Ode, "Oh, the wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" this poem is the author of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 119, describing "the conflicts between people and fate" was known to the people of ancient Greece tragedies are the Oedipus the King. 120, "four years hard labour in the dark, January daylight enjoyment, this is ' life, we should not hate it song annoying noise of superficiality. "From the Boolean of the insect mind to the Act. 121, the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy's long war and peace, of the Anna��kalienina. Lenin called Tolstoy ?mirrors? in the Russian Revolution. 122, Gorky was the founder of the proletarian literature in Russia, as examples of socialist realism. 123, Sholokhov long Magnum Opus is the quiet Don in Russia. 124, Austria writer Zweig biographies of famous works: the three Masters: Balzac, Dickens ' He Tuosi f. m. Dostoevsky. 125, Ireland of Eliot and James Joyce's Ulysses the wilderness together are considered to be classics of Western modernist literature. 126, Kafka Austria modern famous novelist. He and Ireland, and novelist, Joyce France novelist Proust, who together created a precedent of modernist fiction in the West, is recognized as one of the main founders of modern literature in the West. 127, the main works of Kafka's novel of the United States, and the trial, and the Castle, short stories, of the Metamorphoses. 128, Hemingway, Nobel Prize laureate. Simple, savings, concise work, representatives of the old man and the sea. "people can do what you can achieve level, describing the dignity of the human soul." 129, Austria poet Rainer Maria Rilke advocated the exclusion of subjective emotions, by accuratelyThe imagery or symbols to convey the poet's emotional, to obtain a purely objective effects of plastic art, had been known as "the poetry of images". 130, Sartre is France thinker, philosopher, writer. Novella of the nausea, the novel of the road to freedom. He is the representative of the Existentialist thought. 131, Gabriel garcla Marquez is Latin America on behalf of magic realism. Representatives of the century alone. 132, the Bible is divided into two parts, the front of the old testament, back to the New Testament. 133, the Old Testament there were 39 volumes, into law books, history books, essays on the prophets heshi. Literary works extensively in the old testament, vivid manifestation of the social history and customs of the ancient Hebrews and feelings. 134 in the Bible, and led the Jews over the Red Sea, Egypt and Moses was Hebrews. 135, Japan major works is the source of the Murasaki Shikibu's story. Story is a Japan specific literary genre, ranging between stories and novels, speaks ?in the Japanese language say something? in other words, similar stories and legends. 136, Gorky appraisal of the 1001 nights is "folk literature and a most magnificent monument". 137, Japan Yasunari Kawabata's works describe that underlies the character of the community, especially the lower women's tragic events, such as the stage, and the snow country of Izu. 138, Pandora is Greece first woman in the fairy tale. ?Pandora's box? is ?sources? synonymous of disaster disaster. 139, Prometheus was Greece mythology benefit of God on Earth. United Kingdom poet Percy Bysshe Shelley's drama the liberating Prometheus is celebrating heroes of lyrics. 140, Sphinx, Greece mythical Lion Lamia. Often called ?puzzle? same character. 141 of the Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe's famous, describing the bourgeoisie during the rise of a hero. 142, o ' Henry 's, United States short story writer. Major works for the police, such as hymns, the last piece of vine leaves, about 300 articles. Hailed as ?the United States living encyclopedia of humor?. 143, Tagore, India poet and writer. Nobel Prize for literature laureate. Poems of the birds set, and the Crescent Moon, novels , such as the wreck. His poetry was designated as the will of the people, India national anthem. 144, India poet Tagore Kat Tan jiali, Bengali is transliterated, meaning "dedication". 145, Japan is the most ancient General anthologies of poetry of the Wan Ye set. 146, author of the Prophet is Lebanon writer Gibran. 147, and the steel is made of how to the Gadfly, respectively, a former Soviet writer Alex Ostrovsky and Ireland works under an author v. 148, Hans Christian Andersen, Denmark writer of fairy tales, is also one of the most outstanding children's work in the world. Main works of the ugly duckling, the Emperor's new clothes and the little match girl, and so on. 149, Hungary Pei Duofei is the best active 19th century romantic poet, major works are the nation's song, the against the King, and so on. Poland distinguished poet micikaiwei mainly works as the song of youth as Poland youth of the Marseillaise. High school literary knowledge consolidation br>, ancient Chinese literature (a) literature �� ancient myths. famous ancient Chinese mythology: Nu Wa (w ��) supplement days Yi (y ��) shooting, Jingwei filling up the sea, (Pangea) creation, and war of Huangdi ignorant (ch ��) and so on. (Liu An: the Huainan) �� prose of the pre-Qin -a, Confucian classics. "five classics" refers to the book of Odes, the Minister, and the rites, the I Ching, and the spring and Autumn period of implementation. "the six" also known as the six arts , "five classics" increases (the music). the "four books" means the Analects, Mencius, of the University of the doctrine of the. b. Historical essays. the left of the warring States period policy the Mandarin. "spring and autumn sowing and ploughing" the left of the Ku-Liang to the Rams. c. hundred schools essay. famous: �� Laozi, Lee's ear, a word used in a person ' s name (d �� n), the Taoist school founder and author of the daodejing. �� mounds of Confucius, Word Zhong Ni. Is the Confucian school founder. Analects is Confucius ' disciples record book for students of Confucius and his words and deeds. �� Mo Chak (d, which had), MO-founder of the school. The mo-53 articles. �� Mencius called a surname, a Word. Inheritors of the Confucian school. Mencius Mencius student record book of Mencius ' words and deeds. A just cause enjoys abundant support an unjust cause finds little was born in misery, died of the mercy of the storm to see Mencius, of the fish I want. �� Zhuangzi, week, warring States period of Taoism. The Zhuangzi. Of the skilled and magical craftsmanship �� Xunzi, and Confucianism in the warring States and author of Xunzi 32 articles. encourage learning �� Han Feizi, legalism. S of the Han Feizi. Bian Que of the Cai Huangong the five codling Tomoko suspected o law. �� the L��shi Chunqiu also known as the tour of Lu, phase L �� Buwei is Qin of collective creation and his client. The review of this. �� Li SI's prose is the representative of the Jian-by guest book. ������ʫ��wbr>��A����ʫ������ The book is China's first General anthologies of poetry, total 305 wind, ya, Ode to three categories. wind is a folk song, JamesIs a song, song Chung is offering. Expressive than Odes, Hindu, Fu. Than that, he was better than this. XING, he created the first words of poems, Fu, present straight. ��B�������ǡ��� Western Han dynasty scholar Liu Xiang, who edited the works of the writing of Qu Yuan song Yu, known as the songs. Qu Yuan (former 340?-277?), and our country's greatest patriotic poet. Chu doctor left a surname level. Is the Lisao chapter nine of the songs. (b). the literature of Han a. Han prose �� Jia Yi, who says JIASHENG. Also known as Changsha Jia, Jia Taifu. With the ten volumes of the new book. The theory of the Qin dynasty, the on the accumulation tank drain is his representative. �� Sima Qian, zichang, a great historian, and writer. The historical records of the first ?history presented in a series of biographies?, divided into the biography of emperors, family, biongraphies, tables, books. Lu Xun's refer to the historical records as "end of historians, no rhyme Lisao." �� Ban Gu's book of Han Liu Xiang Annals are reasons compiled of the warring States period. b. ballads and combined. Music, folk music, and House, the governmental. Yuefu music poetry collected in the body of the Han dynasty origin. the Southeast Peacock fly was the Han dynasty narrative development to new heights. Codification of the yutaixin of the first found in the Southern dynasties Xu Ling. Fu is the complex of verse and prose in ancient China. Szu-the fictitious assigned shanglin Fu law. The hanging of Qu Yuan Jia Yi are very famous. (iii). the Wei and Jin dynasties literature 1. poetry and prose of the Wei and Jin dynasties Shuihui "three Cao". The "three Cao" namely Cao's son Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi. Cao Cao's view of the sea, and Artemisia Cao Pi, Cao Zhi names first article of the white horse's story of the Los God assigned are very famous. �ڡ��������ӡ��� Jung, and Chen Lin, and Wang Can, and should be ��, and Liu Zhen Xu Gan, and Ruan �r, and �� "seven sages of the bamboo grove." Ruan Ji and protracted Kang, Shan-tao, Liu ling, Rong Wang, Xiang Xiu and Liu salty �� Tao Yuan-ming, hidden, characters, called Jing. the peach blossom land book of the homeward prose of the alcohol was handed down to the vegetable garden. �� Moreover, contained in the Book of the Later Han, Chen Shou, Wang Xizhi's Lanting set sequence of the three kingdoms, and Xie Wen Xin Diao, Li Tao Yuan Shui Jing Zhu all go down in history. Zhuge Liang he, and the table fan ye (j ��) 2. novels of the Wei and Jin dynasties. �� dry treasure of ghost stories to representatives under the search gods and spirits. the sharp tools. �� anecdotal stories to Liu Yiqing represented the Genesis: a new language. Of the Zhou Chu. (iv). literature of the Tang dynasty 1. Tang Shuihui "four masters of early Tang dynasty": "the early Tang dynasty the four masters" is Wang Bo, and Yang jiong, and Lu Zhao, and Luo Binwang. Send Wang Bo du Fu Ren Shuchuan of the tengwangge sequence of less well-known. �� Li Bai ' s romanticism Li Bai, the great poet Du Fu 's, the people's poet BAI Juyi 's. Li Bai, Li Bai, Qing-lay. Li Bai is a great romantic poets. name the drinking you a toast, and the Sichuan Road is difficult, and in autumn the sleepwalking days basking Yin rubetsu pumped songs, such as the poetry of silent night to Wang LUN. I Li Taibai collection. Du Fu, United States, also known as du, was a great realist poet. Three collectors masterpieces are ??(the tongguan collectors of the stone Daqing collectors the Xin dynasty)? c? (the homeless not getting on in years and the level of the wedding) in the North of the carriers to the hut for the autumn break the song, and so on. Bai Juyi, Lotte, Xiangshan, his work. Double says Bai Xiangshan, Bai Taifu, BAI Ju-Yi ideas ?articles every now and then, and song poetry? for things. Name the long hate song of the pipa. �� landscape poet Wang Wei and Meng haoran. Wang Wei's words closely question, a great poet, the famous ?painters and musicians?; people say he ?poetry and painting, huazhongyoushi?. Masterpieces of the bring to the frontier fortress of the AUTUMN EVENING IN THE MOUNTAINS. Meng is Wei's close friend, the visiting an old friend of the famous. �� "frontier poet" Gao Shi and CEN Shen, and Wang changling, and Wang zhihuan. GAO Shi Yan song row, Shum (c �� n) parameter (sh �� n) send the snow song Wang changling the Lotus building Xin Zhe Wang zhihuan crane building, all is well. ���ݡ�С��š��� Li Shang-yin, du MU, author of the fanchuan collection. �� "poetry in the three" Comrade Mao Zedong's favorite famous geese taishou line "in the poem on three" into Bo, Li Shang-yin, Li. 2. the prose of the Tang dynasty. ���ٺ��� Han Yu, annealing, Changli, also known as South Korea Board of civil service. Han Yu is the leader of ?classical prose movement? in the Tang dynasty, Changli s collection. �� Liu Zongyuan, thick, which is also called Liu Hedong. Wrote the famous wing Chau Hedong sets Cf and author of the willow. 3. the legend of the Tang dynasty. By Chen Hong Chang hate song, Yi Liu Li Chaowei is more mature in classical Chinese novels. (e) the song literature 1. song and song poetry �� CI represented by Susin uninhibited. Su Shi, Zhan, Dong Poju, poetry, literature, calligraphy and has extremely high achievement. Su Zhe, and its parent Su Xun, brother is known as ?three? Su. Author of the Su Dongpo's collection. Xin Qiji, young, Jia Xuan, Jia Xuan-short sentences. �� to representatives of Liu Yong, Li Qingzhao, lyrics, and other man-made CI tactful. ������ �����գ� ���硣 �� great patriotic poet Lu you 's, and a great national hero of Wen Tianxiang. View Lu Ziwu, Weng, author of the sword-South of poems. Wen Tianxiang, shoes, good Song Rui, Wenshan, and author of the Wenshan complete works, well-the song of the righteous Lingding�� 2. the song prose �� famous "Tang and Song dynasties of eight". Tang and Song dynasty eight members are: Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, and Wang Anshi, and Su Xun, Su Shi, Zeng Gong 's. �� Fan Zhongyan, natham Sivin, Wen Zhenggong, IK. the Yueyang Tower in mind as the eternal well. 3. song and mutt. -Telling is "speaking" artists of DIBEN. famous-telling the great Song Xuan, and archaeological sites (include all men are brothers) of the three kingdoms CODA (later the evolution of the three kingdoms). (six). Yuan generation literature 1. verse four home �� Bai Pu, masterpieces has wall immediately under �� Guan hanqing,, has Saito old man, masterpieces has Dou e's grievances under �� horse caused by far, masterpieces has Han Palace autumn under �� Zheng guangzu , representative is qiannvlihun under 2. ten tragedy accounted for its six �� Guan hanqing of short e grievances under �� Ji Jun of Zhao's orphans under �� Bai Pu of Indus rain under �� horse caused by far of Han Palace autumn under �� Hong Sheng of longevity temple under �� Kong Shangren of peach fan under in addition also has �� Feng Meng of positive commitment award soul under �� Meng Cheng Shun of Jiao red remember under �� Li Yu attended of positive commitment award spectrum under �� party into culture of leifeng pagoda under. 3. Wang Shifu, and his hand in mind. Wang Shifu dxn. the themes of the West Chamber opposes anthropophagi pursuit of love and marriage happiness. (VII). literature in Ming and Qing dynasty 1, Ming and Qing novels ��. historical angle of the Ming dynasty and "four odd". Ming dynasty, asserts that the author of the romance of the journey to the four odd book on Jin Ping Mei. The author called the Jin Ping Mei lanling smiled, which reflect the social reality in the middle of the Ming dynasty. ��. great realistic novels in the dream of taking Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu tragic love as clues, descriptions, and history, Wang, Xue Jia four families of xingshuaishi, reflects the increasing decline in feudal society. The writer Cao Xueqin, celery, celery and garden, snow, celery Creek. Novelist in the Qing dynasty. ��. addition to Ming feng Meng "three" (the Yu Shi expressly the Ordinary Words to Warn the World of the Lasting Words to Awaken the World), Qing Pu songling Liao Zhai Zhi Yi zhi effects, Qing Wu jingzi authorship authentification and dating of the RAR, Qing Liu, Wu Woyao the 20-year witnessed the strange situation of officialdom existing JI Li Bao Jia, Zeng Pu the unhappy world of flowers was listed as the four condemned in the late Qing fiction. 2������ʫ���٣����� Liu Ji Berwin, author of the song Lian primary set in good faith, the word Jing Lian, author of essays on the Song Xueshi; xiake, Xu Hongzu, author of the Xu Xiake travels. Zhang Pu, day, and author of the seven recorded Saito collection ��. in Qing dynasty. Gu Yanwu, author of the day about. Fang Bao and author of the complete Fang Wangxi is Tongcheng ancestor. Yao Nai, is Tongcheng essayist. Share of the affection arms Inn of essays on poetry. Yuan Mei, the word, along with the Park, the old man and author of the collection of small cangshan grand musical composition: Fang Shi of the suiyuan poetry. (VIII). recent literature (1840-1918), Liang Qichao, words such as, one of the public, and author of the essays on drinking ice Wang Guowei, modern scholar, and author of the human cihua. Lin Juemin, hole, and wife of the famous book written. (IX). modern literature (1919-1949) 1. modern fiction of Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren,, Yu. author of the novels of the shout (inside of the diary of a madman, the drugs, and the a-Q, and the story of the birthplace of the famous), of the loss (with the blessing, and the mourning Windows such as well-and the story of new) Mao Dun formerly Shen Dehong, wild ice. On behalf of the midnight of his trilogy ?countryside? is the spring rearing, and the autumn, the Convention of the last days of winter. BA Jin: formerly known as Li yaotang, very small sweet major works "torrent trilogy", and the home of the spring and the autumn. Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun homes. Major works of the camel Cheung liberation of the four generations under one roof, and the Moon, and wrote the screenplay of the Longxugou, and the tea house. In addition, ye shengtao Ni Huanzhi, Qian Zhongshu Shen Cong-Wen Yu Dafu's the frontier of the siege of the destruction, are both masters well. 2. modern poetic prose drama Guo Moruo, formerly known as Guo Kaizhen. On behalf of the poetry of the goddess. Double wrote the plays of the Qu Yuan, after the catilla, and the high fades. Also wrote of the Peking Man, such as the Sunrise Wang Zhaojun famous Cao Yu's tragedy of realism in the thunderstorm is excellent. in addition to the indentured laborer Zhu Zi-Qing Xia Yan bingxin the back of the Lotus pond Moonlight send young readers of the little orange lights, AI-dayanhe, Lu Xun's flowers night of my nanny picked up the weeds are famous masterpieces. (x). contemporary literature (1949-2000) 1. contemporary fiction by Zhou LIBO Ding Ling of the storm the sun shone on the sanggan River was awarded the Stalin's literary prize. Zhao xiaoerhei married the rhymes of Li Youcai Yang Mo of the youth's song Kong Li the baiyangdian chronicle the Lotus Lakes Qing Liu Gu Hua Seremban Town, the chuangyeshi were famous masterpieces. contemporary novelist of the rise of Liu shaotang 's, ranging from d-Hee, Wang Meng, Lu Yao, Ke Yunlu, Zhang kangkang 's, Wang Anyi, WA etc. 2. prose dramas of contemporary poetry , of the Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang Li Ji Ke Yan Zhou Enlai, where am I? he jingzhi, and the white-haired girl, Ding Yi Wu Boxiao the Polaris inverse Yang Shuo the flavour of the flower city of Fu Qin Mu Liu Baiyu the three gorges and green fields of the Sun is shining as Shu Ting of the tianshan mountains of the oak is famous masterpieces. R> second, the foreign literature (a). foreign literature of ancient Europe Greece "Homer"-the Iliad and the aode races. And the legend, as written by a slave named Aesop's Fables of Aesop's Fables. Ancient Asian Arab folk tales of the Arabian Nights (also known as the 1001 nights). (ii). Renaissance literature ad 13th century to the 16th century in Renaissance Europe. During this period, the famous masterpieces, such as the stars brilliant. Dante yesterday, Italian poet and author of the Divine Comedy. Thin GAD Hill Italy person short story writer, and author of the 10th on Rabelais, French author of the giants of the Cervantes, Spain who, with the Hall of Fame �� of Don Quixote. Shakespeare, United Kingdom of great playwrights. He has written more than 30 more drama. The hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth for the four great tragedies. Romeo and Zhu Huiye long speech does not weaken the merchant of Venice. (iii). 17-19 century European literature of this period France writers Moliere's the miser, creation of its protagonist is called abagong. United Kingdom novelist Daniel Defoe created the drift JI Lu Binsun the great poet dramatist wrote of the Faust. United Kingdom poet morellet created the solution aroer Epimetheus, Germany the poet Heinrich Heine wrote the Germany, a Winter fairy tale. France novelist Victor Hugo wrote of the Notre Dame, United Kingdom poet Byron creations of the Don Juan. France the novelist Flaubert wrote of the Madame Bovary. United States the great poet Whitman is the representative of the grass. United Kingdom (Ireland) v lease creations of famous writers of the Gadfly. ���ģ���19����ŷ�����޵�������ʵ������ѧ ŷ����Ҫ������ʵ����������Ʒ�� ������ ��Ʒ�� �� ˹���� ������ڡ��������ȡ������ᡷ �� �Ͷ��� ���˼�ϲ�硷��ŷҲ�ݡ�����̨�� �� �Ҹ� ��˫�Ǽǡ����������Ʋ��ƶ� Ӣ Ī��ɣ ��Ư�����ѡ�����֬�򡷡������� �� ��ϣ�� ��Ҷ�����ᡤ����𡷡���ο��Ů�� �� ����� �������顷�����ס����ղ�󳼡� �� �ж�˹̩ ��ս�����ƽ����ί�ȡ��������ȡ������ �� ���·� ���������������ˡ� ����ɫ�� �� ŷ������ ����������� �����������ʫ�� �� ��ˡ����� ����ķ����Ү���ռǡ�����ѡ�ݳ��� �� ���壩�������޲�׼���ѧ �����޲�׼��ġ���ѧ������Ʒ�� ������ �� �� ŷ�ʡ����°� ����ʸ衷������Ρ��������ߡ� �� �߶� ������֮�衷��ĸ�ס������˼䡷��ͯ�꡷ ǰ���� ���ſɷ�˹�� �������� ǰ���� ��˹�����˹�� ���������������ɵġ� ǰ���� ����Ү�� ����������� ǰ������ѧ��ʶһ������֪ʶ��ѧ��ð����Ŵ����峣ʶ���ִ����峣ʶ���㡣 Ancient style: ancient style can be divided into verses, parallel prose, essays, including the historical context. Verse, that is, pay attention to the rhyme style of writing, including poetry, words, Fu, Ming. Essays, including Shi Chuanwen, discussion papers, notes, writing, and so on. A study is a value between poetry and prose style. Choose key described below. 1, ' ancient-style poems, modern style poetry during human influence during the popular rules are strict, the quatrains called modern style poetry, strict rules and does not, before Tang Dynasty poem known as the ' ancient-style poems of freedom. Is now generally referred to the influence and the quatrains modern style poems, while others are collectively referred to as ' ancient-style poems. ' Ancient-style poems have four, five, seven, and miscellaneous statements, contained in the book, the dynasty also belong to the ' ancient-style poems. Modern style poems divided into both influence and quatrains, and five by daring to seven words. The influence of a total of eight, quadruple: led by one or two sentences, three or four sentences for the poem, for five or six sentences Jinglian, seven or eight, even rhyme words to adjourn, two sentences to the problems of the middle two antithesis. Quatrains of four words, the rules and requirements in General and the influence of the same, just two of the antithesis is not very strict requirements. 2, remarks, and Fu and study these words, that is, the songs are poems. Longer, sentence length, sentence confused with errors and omission, in the form of free and more with ?live?, dominated by lyrical, have a lot of romance, Qu Yuan's Lisao as his representative. Assigning, from the late warring States period, sentences generally tidy rhythms, patterns of hybrid prose, elaborate, and is a style between poetry and prose. Representatives for Szu. A study, from Han and Wei, is formed in Northern and Southern dynasties, entire antithesis constitute essentially emphasize allusions, rhetoric gorgeous, most with four wordsAnd six words, also known as the ?46?, as well as between poetry and prose of a style. Studied in high school, room assignment the Zhu Yuansi is such a style. 3, Word, song words, green shoots in the Southern dynasties, formed during the Tang dynasty, prevalent in the song. Is the development of poetry, it is called ?poetry?. It has a variety of name of tunes, name of tunes is composed of a fixed format, including how many words, sentences, level tone rhymes, and so on. Sentence length, also known as the length of sentence. How many words can be divided into long (91 per cent), transfer (59-90 words), the short lyric (58 words). Qu, prevalent in the Yuan dynasty, it is called ?verse?, as well as music poetry. Including the dynasty, and drama. Dynasty is a cappella songs, Opera is performing songs. Dynasty can be divided into short lyric and Divertimento categories, with short lyric is composed of a tune, Divertimento also known as Number Sets, is made up of multiple songs. Full story of the drama, its structure was 40 percent (the equivalent of four acts) plus a wedge (Prologue), its composition (character description of the action, a stage effect) binbai (character dialogue, monologue and so on), flow, may have a denier (actress), late (actor), net (paint face) and external (old man), and the ugly (clown), and so on. Songs are the names of the tunes to which Qu are composed, their words, sentence numbers, level tone, rhyme in fixed format. Gong-tune sound level. 4, Shi Chuanwen is historical essays, including the Chronicle of the body (such as the left, and the capital treatment of comprehensive mirror), country (such as the Mandarin and the warring States period of policy), the history presented in a series of biographies (such as the historical records, and the book of Han, ?ershisishi?), Division of body (such as the Chinese, and the book of Later Han), history (such as the historical records, the capital treatment of comprehensive mirror). 5, there were several theories about ancient literary discourse is formed from the quotations of scholars on the development, its formation in the development of a number of species: ?on the? talking sensible; ?said? saying; reason. 6, notes text including scenic travels, travel notes. Painting sundries charged, notes for four categories of personnel. Remarks on a wide range, in the section entitled ?mind?. Recorded In History, hearsay that was handed down anecdotes, scientific data, text, textual and other articles are included. 7, practical writing include the Memorial to the throne, a record of a Tablet futures, funeral orations, settlers ordered four categories. Modern style: modern style mainly refers to fiction, poetry, prose, drama, literature, children's literature, folk literature, essays, etc. There are also practical, including narrative, explanatory text, discussion papers, writing four classes. 1, the six elements of narrative is that the causes of write time, place, person, event, process, results. 2, depending on your needs, narratives can be the first person (I, we), the second person (you, your), the third person (him and them), often used by General first-person and third-person. 3, the central idea of narrative, refers to writing person, account, scenery, like shown on the main view of life. Message must be clear and focused. 4, materials are flesh and bone of the story, is to serve the central idea of; the central idea is the soul of the article, is the leading material. 5, can highlight the main material of the main idea you want to write more specific and detailed; main idea on performance plays a role secondary material you want to write more generally, more briefly, detail, you can make the article Highlight, Center highlights. 6, narrative sequences generally Shun Syria, flashback, in medias Res. , clues, means the thread of 7 throughout the article all of the material. 8, explanatory text according to the explanatory text description objects can be divided into things and sensible and explanatory text. 9, explain things must take advantage of the features of things. Characteristics of the so-called ?? is the hallmark of the things that distinguishes it from other things. Grasping the characteristics we have grasped the essence of things. 10, description order mainly chronological order, space, the logical order. There are six main in a logical order: from global to local, from General to specific, by nature, from General to specific, from primary to secondary from cause to effect. 11, descriptions of common methods for defining, classifying, column numbers, examples, compare, for example, referring, distribution chart. 12, in order to illustrate more distinctive characteristics, essence of the highlights of the object, or make the article more vivid, more fun, can appropriate description in the description and narrative. 13, on the three key elements of the paper is the argument, arguments, and arguments. Argument is the author of the discussion of issues of insights and ideas, is the soul of argumentation. A argumentative essay usually have only one central thesis, argumentative or around the Central arguments put forward several arguments, argument is used to supplement and prove central argument. 14, the position of the center point in the article the question directly, or at the beginning or in the middle or at the end, the article title is the central argument. 15, argument is that the author elaborated or justification arguments under. To let other people agree with your argument, the author will have to get the facts and reasons as according to prove its correctness. 16, to the arguments of fact, including hard cases, or representation of facts and statistics, and so on. Facts can be specific, or it can be summarized. 17, used as the argument goes, it is proven, including the theory of Marxism and Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, insightful, celebrity quotes and aphorisms as well as the generally accepted principles of reason, science, law, formulas, and so on. 18, the relationship between arguments and arguments areProved and proved relations. 19, demonstration methods cited case law, law, contrasting argumentation, demonstration of law. 20, discussion paper proof arguments, and counterargue. 21, three key elements of the novel refers to characters, storyline, and the environment. 22, was to depict characters in the novels as the Center, through a complete storyline and specific description of the environment to reflect the social life of a literary genre. 23, depicting the characters in the novel method for a variety, can have a portrait description description description description, language, movement, psychological, or side description through the reflection of the other characters and attitudes. 24, novel storyline beginning, development, climax, end, and sometimes in front of the prelude, followed by an end. 25, novel environmental description including description of the natural environment and the social environment in describing two categories. Environmental description is intended to explain the background, rendering atmosphere, foil characters, plot development services. 26, according to the length of the length of the novel into a novel, Novella, short stories, thousands of short stories called micro-stories of the characters, also known as mininovel, a minute of novels. 27, the principal means of shaping characters in fiction reflects society. Plot of the novel is by show character, subject. Is based on real-life characters in novels, after art processing created. He is more concentrated than really matter in life, more complete, more representative. 28, according to the different focus and content of expression, narrative prose, prose is generally divided into lyric prose and theoretical essays. 29, narrative essays to write one story, lines full of emotion, narrative essays we've learned from the herbs garden sanwei, my teacher, the Fujino Kaoru, the dates of nuclear law, the back, and the memories of my mother, and the mind of a spinning wheel and the little orange lights, dominated by scenery-like lyrical prose, focused on expressing the author's feelings, lyrical prose in the spring, the honey of lychee flowers, and the white Yang Li-Zambia, the tide of implementation. 30, poetry of the main features are: concentration, refining, and musicality. 31, according to the expression, poetry can be divided into narrative poems, lyrics, and forms can be divided into poetry, free verse, and folk songs. We learned of the epic the sells carbon Weng the poem of Mulan, the stone of Daqing collectors 32, Word is a kind of poetry, the original is in accordance with the lyrics of music beat creation, then gradually and music from the poetry in a fixed format. Name of tunes is the name that tune, its content has no relationship with the words, such as the qinyuanchun �� snow "qinyuanchun" is the name of tunes, "snow" is the title. verse was modelled on the style of folk songs, and folk songs written by 33 modern poetry. Oral creations of folk songs are the majority of working people, is in the oral tradition of poetry, through continuous process. Such as the Royal song. 34, prose poems are written as prose poems, both prose characteristic of heshi. We've learned of the Gorky wrote the prose of the petrels. , dynasty is 35 Yuan dynasty prevailed for the new style, divided into both Number Sets and short lyric. II, masterpieces of junior high school reading list of guidance contents of main content author or main characters main features wonderful pieces of art in West tour recorded Wu Cheng en �� �� �� out the Monkey King: traitor and against the feudal society, active, playful, martial arts, brave and intelligent, demon diseases such as hatred. �� Zhu bajie: simple simple, greedy good sleep, funny absurd, combat courage, defying monsters, small producers, little public awareness. �� Monk: was a very nice Min Cheng ascetic, hard, defy difficulties, but stupid obstinate, regardless of right and wrong. Romanticism, imagine a supernatural, exaggerated the magic, deformation of absurdity. �� Monkey havoc �� the Monkey King & amp �� monkey three adjustable wa1373 �� Bai Gu Jing �� Zhu bajie gaolaozhuang Monkey King three marry into and live with one ' s bride ' s family water seaweed enteromorpha clathrata effects of OM �� �� �� in the early Yuan dynasty and Ming sung: people's ideal of loyalty, the most prestigious in the insurrectionary leader. Brothers can unite, the quest for talent; good governance, military, and organization skills; character of revolt and compromise. �� Lu: integrity without fear or favour, ready to chivalry. �� Lin: be driven to do something former resignation, enduring humiliation, compromise, subsequently becoming savvy bold and vicious Termagant. �� Wu Song: symbol of strength, courage and justice. Warriors of the typical, representative of revenge, Honourable freedom fighters. �� Li Kui: simple, rude and full of rebellion and compassion, is at the bottom of life typical of the homeless. �� the full text of magnificent full structure, many characters, each hero story like a paper hero biography, biographies of rings of rings. �� successfully shape the image of a large group of heroes. �� narrative informative brilliant. �� language popular lively, full of personalization features. �� �� China direct encounter birthday �� forest Jiao Dou snow mountain temples Wu Song beat Tigers, fighting kills Ximen �� Olga berluti Kansai's hit town, nasty wutaishan �� Sung �� true and false questions against poem Li Kui flower night ten LuWBR> author narrative will address five of the mad teenager at a time when watching five mad twists and turns, complaints of feudal parents and the feudal system of education on adolescents ' physical and mental abuse; the reveal the father's illness "witch-regardless of the" doctor of extortion, superstition, flogging retro retrogressive reaction; the Fan Ainong by a patriotic intellectuals before, during, and after the revolution of a different experience, profound critique of the incomplete nature of the revolution and the weakness; the bagatela praises the "dissatisfied with the status quo" of Revolutionary Youth. �� language is beautiful, smooth, lively and humorous, witty. �� narrative is filled with wonderful art. �� the herbs garden sanwei �� �� the achang shanhaijing the 24 filial figure �� �� the impermanence of the Fujino Kaoru Luo camel Cheung signifiant old House �� CHEUNG: integrity, honesty, kindness, pure and simple, strong and hardworking robust Coachman, narrow islands of personal struggle and cruel and corrupt society made him fall to the dark frequenting brothels gambling and drinking of dreadful appearance, selfish, lazy cunning,, dirty numb lines of dead animals. �� Tiger Babes: duality have, first, the desire to have their own pursuit of happiness, Cheung has in good faith, the other are the exploiters of awareness has penetrated in her soul, she wanted to control CHEUNG, is their possessor, dominate. �� performers of the unique culture of Beijing public and critics. �� description of good old Beijing customs and practices, feelings of secular. �� White concise �� unique language of satirical art. �� the angry remarks, Dr House (fifth sections) �� Cao Jia distress (tenth) �� dark hell (16th) �� final despair (22nd, section 23) stars �� spring water ice heart �� to singing, praising mothers and express their philosophy of nature poetry for most. �� tuowuyanzhi there are many poems, with a distinctive image to describe or imply a certain philosophy of life. �� exposing school days of darkness, sympathy for the utter misery creatures, pioneer of praises to explore ways forward. �� expressing real, straightforward personality. �� style fresh and bright, pretty subtle, rich poetic style, natural and gentle. �� perfect fusion of lyrical and philosophical. �� the stars �� o: telling young people to treasure of youth, dedicated, and gave to enlighten and inspire. �� the stars �� one or two: ?philosophy? of love, is the core of bingxin's poetry and melody. �� the Chun �� o five: love, nature, harmony innocence three weaves poetry with weft. Lu Binsun drift in mind , Danny �� Defoe �� Lu Binsun: freedom is a demanding personality, courage to take risks, hard work, the pursuit of wealth has a positive spirit of the new heroes of the asset. �� Friday: Lu Binsun rescued whites captured by Lu Bin Sun Zhongshi is his servant and friend. �� Description concrete, real, figures action concrete expression of character. �� focus on characterization of the personalities, performance-oriented personality changes and developments. ③ Often interspersed with some of the arguments to complement, prominent personalities of the characters. �� cut Friday, canoe making crock �� �� guidance ?? �� self-proclaimed Governor of Gulliver's travels swift ��-British �� complete book of four parts, write Vadym Graifer in the country of Lilliput, adults, flying island travel experiences and wisdom of a horse with light black and white hair, ironically the United Kingdom nobles monarchy of bourgeois society, the two-party system, as well as political, legal, financial, educational, cultural, and artistic aspects, reflected the first half of the 18th century United Kingdom social reality. �� fictional plot reveal ingenious combination of stories, fantasy and reality. �� integrate point and sphere, comparison writing, four travels is contrary to arrange. �� excellent imagination, in vivid detail. �� Tour ?high?, when Lilliput "low" the struggle of the party conversation �� �� tours adults and when the King Tour visits when flying island "Academy of lagdo" extension when You Hui a horse with light black and white hair and dialogue of the horse boy years Maxim Gorky �� USSR �� �� Liao Sha: is a British Columbia as selfish and greedy, sympathy, unfortunately, vision of the good life just juvenile. �� grandfather Kashirin: patriarchal craftsmen, vicious cruelty, there are no family ties, venality, thin meaning of detachment. �� grandmother Maria vishnyakova: hard-working, kind, optimistic, wisdom, and embodies the best qualities of Dr people. �� Alternately using the angle of view of children and adults, description of alternate descriptions from multiple perspectives. �� lively language, description of life. �� selection of unique, drawing on writers ' experiences. �� and grandfather, who get together (chapter III) �� yakefu fight with qiqi (chapter II) �� grandfather grandmother (tenth) �� revenge teacher (12th) how the iron and steel into Alex Ostrovsky of �� the former Soviet Union �� �� Paul: stubborn, youthful, not afraid of difficulties, brave and strong, and determined. The Communist cause hold firm belief, exercises and in the revolutionary struggle of the party's education grew up under Communist fighter. �� Winter Nija: naive, simple, addicted to love, and finally by the petty-bourgeois, Miss completely become obsolete in the age and parasites. �� is based on the true story of artistic creation. �� wrote a large number of historical events and the heroic deeds of the masses. �� use of a variety of artistic techniques, enhance artistic appeal, such as Maxim aphorisms, inner monologues, diaries, memories, etc. �� the Soviet Red Army and Petlyura war criminals (the first part of the seventh chapter) �� process of melting ?steel? (part II, chapter II) �� discourage suicide (the third part of the eighth chapter) Chinois Romain �� �� by Roland �� "IMMORTAL BELOVED", "Michelangelo", "Tolstoy 's" composition �� Beethoven: the world famous music master, diligently pursued in music, under the situation of binaural hearing, sickness, creating musicGlorious chapter in the history. �� Michelangelo: Italy Renaissance era of the great sculptor, painter, architect, mother since childhood, eager to learn, and artistic creation, production of the Dionysian, the mourning of Christ Statue. �� Tolstoy: Russia's greatest writers, with 6 years of the war and peace, then introduces the Anna��kalienina, and the resurrection, and so on. �� languages filled love, poetic. �� put pen to paper. �� style variable. �� �� Beethoven wills under Chapter III of the m ?loneliness ?confession? �� the support of the 12th chapter four, entrance examination of classic problems with religious frenzy? collection 1, masterpieces of classical literature in the romance of mold have overcome all the difficulties in the way, miles of heroes, the hero is Guan Yu. This book about the legend of the hero of the story there, please use one of the most simple language to write the story name: suffer a major setback due to carelessness. 2, China's classic shape the fullness of a large number of flesh and blood of the outlaws, the distinctive character of peasants ' rebellion hero image, please identify the relevant figures (not less than 5 people), "timely rain" Sung and "mastermind" Wu Yong, "" the Leopard "Lin," "black whirlwind" Li Kui, "" Green-Beast "Yang Zhi," "Hua he Shang" Lu, "" Navy "Hu San Niang," "big worm" sister-in-law gu, "" fierce woman "Sun er Niang. 3, masterpieces of classical literature with rebel monkey in the journey to the spirit of the story is the havoc in heaven. 4, he was a no after years of living on a desert island, received a natives for slaves, was named "Friday". Life on the island after 28 years, help a captain's uniform mutinous sailors, by boat to return to their homeland, he sent people to the island after becoming millionaires continue to exploit it. His name is called the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Robinson this work. 5, he grew up in the bottom, and later horse along with comrades sword, draft, and harsh natural conditions of tenacious struggle in times of Socialist construction, showed great intelligence and motivation, overcome when be held up by illness when he was lying on the bed, start authoring, continues to work for the party and the people. The famous image of literature is Paul, is how Alex Ostrovsky of the iron and steel into the works. 6, "" drunk playing Chiang Kai-shek stopper "and" nasty Feiyun Pu "and" blood splashing Mandarin Duck building "plot say is another hero in this classic story of Wu Song. 7, the ancient "friends in cold weather," meaning pine, bamboo, plum. 8, a famous writer Guo Moruo wrote a couplet, "writes ghost writing demon superior, corruption thorn thorns penetrating abuse". Commended the couplet written ghost writing a loan ?monster? to ?corruption thorn thorns abuse? masters of the Qing dynasty, please write down the names of the masters of the Qing dynasty Pu songling. A part of his book, Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio. 9, of the three kingdoms "Taoyuan three swarm" refers to what the three of them? How their personality? , and Guan Yu (having good faith virtue and patriotism, and righteous), Zhang Fei (brave harsh, and hate injustice like poison). Liu Bei (honest kind, be considerate and kind to men of talent) 10, the romance which of the two characters ' OME boiled wine on the hero, their heart is? Cao Cao: intentionally probe of Liu Bei, to see if he can cause and aim higher. Liu Bei: lest he was Cao Cao's flaws, and tried to cover up, panic inside. 11, "majestic trap" in which classic plot? who's who in total? how can two people's characters? designers: Zhou Yu; good strategies, clever wit. Trap: Jiang Gan; smart, provocative. 12, seven caught Meng is the classic episodes? who captured the slam was? why seven captured? is the story of the three kingdoms, capturing Meng is Zhuge Liang. A total of capture and release seven times, follow Ma Su advice is Zhuge Liang, conquest, with a view to long-term peace and stability in the South. 13, "specially conferred a chain counter" is the plot in which classic? "which involved two characters? why Tiger fight? , of the three kingdoms Cao Cao, and Pang Tong, Pang Tong offered Tiger fight ostensibly to address the challenges of Cao not xishui seasickness, is actually preparing for Zhou Yu burning warship. 14, in the three kingdoms "overcome all the difficulties in the way of" who we are? who did cut his six? why do The Running Man? Guan Yu, Cao Cao was chopped his six, because this six stop him looking for big brother Liu Bei's way. 15, "using the grass boats take the arrows" who borrowed from one arrow? "and" in the text refer to? design framed Zhuge Liang zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang falle pierced the fog days scarecrow against Cao ying, borrowed 100,000 arrows, to complete a task. 16, how do you rate in the three kingdoms "Liu Bei there visits to the cottage"? the urgent need of talents, be considerate and kind to men of talent of urgent and aim higher, not be punctilious broad mind. 17, of the three kingdoms "Lady lost people came," who are you? Who ?dedication, until my heart stops beating?? ��褣���� �� 18, of the three kingdoms, what are you most happy circumstances? Why is that? Guan Yu to experience many hardships. Guanyu Liu Bei was loyal. 19, the three kingdoms "three furious fighting""Sam young" means what three people? Liu Bei; Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. 20, of the three kingdoms that have one or two words: "PI shate of Judah and the Unicorn, jackdaw husband and wife ear distribution", the same week Lu Wang, Zhang Han ", said the speaker is Xu Shu, were praised were Zhuge Liang. 21, "danfengyan and lying silkworm eyebrow, Ember, Qinglong falchion. "Portrait of a description which is written which characters in the novel the three kingdoms; Guan Yu. 22, Cao Cao, said: "better taught me to take on the world, she teaches the world people take my" what do you think his views? opposes this view: because this is kind of self-centered extreme selfish life; or in favour of the idea: to cause to endure pains silently to give away what one loves at the crucial moment, and not petty kindness. 23, du MU's poem the Chibi "Dongfeng not week lang, copper bird spring locked second Joe" is written in sentences where a battle? Which involved the two main characters? battle of Red Cliff, and Cao Cao, and Zhou Yu. 24, the author of "direct encounter birthday outlines" what man? what is the nickname of? Chao Gai: Chao Tianwang; Lu Yunlong: Sheng; Wu Yong: mastermind; Ruan Xiaoer: Banzai-Tron; Ruan Xiaowu: short-lived Saburo; Ruan Xiaoqi: Yama; Tong Liu: the Red ghost; Bai Sheng: a day with summer. 25, "Snow Mountain Temple" which is the plot of a book? which involved two characters, and how? the Outlaws of Lin: resignation; Lu Qian: insidious betray a friend. 26, in the water margin "big boar forests" which involved two key figures, and how their personality? Lu: rough, daring the tablets for friends to sacrifice oneself for; Lin: resignation, martial arts. 27, the author writes in Lin's character in the live in disgrace with shame, resignation, settle into a rise up against, murder vengeance defected circumstances is a forest of Liangshan Jiao Dou Temple of wind and snow mountain, Lu Yu Hou fire to the hay fields. 28, the author wrote, "stand on the side of the mountain of Paphiopedilum armeniacum flag, a letter ' act as agent for heaven, ' four-character, Chung-jen Tong behind the front embroidered red flags: the book, ' Shandong Yasutake ' book ' the Hebei jade kylin '". Does the word in the phrase on which two Princes titles? �ν���¬���塣 29, Sung in the water margin rate army after defeat Fang La, Lu on my way to order the troop back to death, and Lin, Yang Zhi, Xiong, and hour to move-fatality, ���� and Li, and Tong Wei, Tong Meng generalized retired. By Li lead, meaning: a summary of Taihu Lake. celebrated 30, China's first peasant uprising of long historical angle, the author is stirring speculation written, the book is the climax of the Liangshan paizuoci; low part of the book is the soul polygonum poly WA. 31, the dream of most exciting plot is $ _ Fei visit _, _ grandma is the most interesting plot into the Grand View Garden _, _ Daiyu burned manuscript __ is the most miserable plot. 32, the dream of the reference to "Jinling 12 hairpin regular register anyone? Motoharu, and study in spring and the spring, and love spring, Lin Dai-Yu, and Xue, and Shi Xiang-Yun and Wang XI-feng, and Li Wan, and sister keqing, and skillfully, and discussion on miaoyu ' background. 33, the dream of most obsequiousto the maid was assaulting people _, most rebellious character the maid is _ _ Qing Wen, character is the most upright and unyielding maid Yuanyang _ _. 34, the dream of a person said: "daughter is water made of flesh and blood, mud men as flesh and blood. I saw my daughter, I will clear; see men will feel fouling is pressing. "Who said that this sentence? Do you agree with this idea? Why is that? _�ֱ���_��_��ͬ�⡣ Because men are not very dirty. Jia Baoyu they said their lives within the scope of comparison of an extremist. Part used to criticize a man can be, if coupled with all the _ is incorrect. 35, the dream of "two curved pressed cages eyebrow, a pair of weep not weep with dew. State health worries of two dimple, demon attack, tears, Jiao surge slightly. Xianjing Shi Rujiao flowers according to the water, like a willow branch trembling in the wind. Comparatively a thousand orifices, Xizi wins three points. "It was written by who? How her character? _;_ _ Lin Daiyu sentimental, versatile. 36, masterpieces of the world's four major miser image which authors of books from which country? Scrooge's name is that? France Ba Le Cabarkapa, Zarko Eugenie Grandet, Grandet; United Kingdom in Shakespeare's the merchant of Venice, Shylock; France do not mourn the miser agbagun; Gogol in Russia the dead players throwing Higgins. 37, the author of Robinson Crusoe is the United Kingdom in 18th century famous food Defoe _ __. _ _ Robinson is the protagonist of the novel, he is the typical image of the front of the first capitalist in the world literature. He was born poor, education level or higher. But he has a wealth of life experience, has a baffle and enterprising spirit of adventure. Very good overview on him a rising bourgeois rich in adventure, full of ambition, and enduring dogged determination and a fighting spirit. 38, "from the lion ' s mouth temporary shelters, crack wise hero surprise people. Specially Wen Lei Lai cover resourcefulness as God. "The poem is said Liu Bei Cao Cao in the romance of a story. This story is: cooking wine Heroes on the 39, "one is a langyuan flower, a jade is spotless. If no qiyuan, thisMet him again; if no qiyuan, deficiency of mind? "reveals this poem the dream of a pair of young men and women in love. ?Langyuan flower? referring to Lin Daiyu, ?jade spotless? refers to Jia Baoyu. 40, please use the following two classical character name or formal name completion in the following topics. �� forest Jiao Dou Temple of wind and snow mountain land and secure waiting set fire to the hay fields. (The author) �� CAO cooking wine Heroes on the Commissioner of public money city chop Che Zhou. (three kingdoms) 41, the Olga berluti Kansai's hit town, is the first description of the peasant revolutionary struggle in ancient China famous long couplet novel a story in the novel the water margin, please write again your name of other heroes in this novel and story (example: wusongdahu.com) Lin Temple of wind and snow mountain , and Sung three zhujiazhuang. 42, journey to the Monkey King is all of us are more familiar with artistic images. Based on your reading experience, said he appreciated the spirit, and also proof. Language that you want to compact. Answer: unyielding resistance havoc in heaven or the evil spirit in the fight against three the white Bone Demon 43, the shuihu 108 men all had a wonderful story, everybody has a distinctive feature of nickname. �� Please write one sentence out the shuihu you most familiar story: Lu pulling weeping willow okikaze snow or forest Temple or zhujiazhuang Sung three �� please write one of your favorite hero in the shuihu nicknames, and tell of nickname character feature: moved when the Skyhopper qinggong is super good at stealing 44, complete one of the following topics: the �� "rolling in passing to the East of the Yangtze River water, spray scouring hero. Success and failure will be turn empty. Aoyama still, sunset red sth "This is the opening words of the three kingdoms of ancient literary masterpieces. �� ?drunk playing stopper ?,? big Feiyun Chiang Ching-Kuo Pu? sth Say is that all men are brothers in the story of a legendary hero. The hero is Wu Song, his story there, please use the most simple language to write a story name: Jing Yang gang Tiger �� journey to the Monkey King in one of the most rebellious spirit of the story is (write stories with the most compact language name): havoc in heaven. D in the romance of armies, Zhuge Liang Shu is a household name. He knows on astronomy, known under the geographic, has become the representative of wisdom. In the four great classical novels, there is a piece shape was a man of great armies, this person is the author of Wu. �� ?Nu Wa stone refinery supplement days remaining piece of stone, is discarded in the barren hill under ridiculous Cliff green Ridge peak, after vast Daishi, vague reality into the world, through thick and lihebeihuan?, the above plots from the masterpieces of classical literature in the dream of. �� Zhuge Liang is the main character in the novel the three kingdoms. Please write a story about Zhuge Liang's name in the novel. �𣺻���ն���� �趫�硣 �� shaped overcome all the difficulties in the way of the romance, and miles of heroes, the hero is Guan Yu . Using simple language and then write a story about his name: the wine cut Hua Xiong. Five, our classical music 1, the book is a part of the earliest General anthologies of poetry. 2, was the first General history of the Department of history presented in a series of biographies of the historical records, the author is the Western Han dynasty Sima Qian, famous historian, writer and thinker. 3, the capital treatment of mirror is China's first Chronicle Books, the author is the Northern Song dynasty historian Sima Guang. 4, the Lisao is China's first great long lyrics, written by a Chu during the warring States period of the great poet Qu Yuan. 5, the Analects is the first quotation of prose, the author was Kong Qiu disciples and disciples. 6, the spring and autumn is China's first private compilation of books, the authors are famous thinkers, educators in the spring and Autumn period Kong Qiu. 7, of the three kingdoms is China's first great historical novels, the author is a famous popular novels from Luo Guan Ming dynasty. 8, the outlaws is description of China's first great novel of the peasant revolutionary struggle, the author is a famous novelist Shi Nai-an early Ming dynasty. 9, journey to the myth of China's first full-length novel, the authors are Wu Chengen in Ming dynasty novels. 10, the Dream Pool Essays is China's first notes written in the style of a comprehensive academic work, the authors are scientists, politicians opinions on the Northern Song dynasty. 11, the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio is excellent classical of China's first collection of short stories, the author is well-known in the Qing dynasty writer Pu songling. 12, authorship authentification and dating is our first full-length excellent satirical novels, the author is the great novelist Wu jingzi in the Qing dynasty. 13, the dream is of the highest artistic achievement early vernacular novels, the author is great in the Qing dynasty writer Cao Xueqin. 14, is China's first great poet Qu Yuan, received the songs in the works. 15, is China's first female poet Li Qingzhao, works collection in the Li Qingzhao sets in. 16, Li Bai is the period of the great romantic poet in Tang, works in the collection of the complete works of Li Taibai. 17 realistic poet Du Fu is greatest during the Tang, works collection at the Du Gongbu sets in. 18, Po Chu-everlasting regret is the realism of the greatest poets in Tang period, collection white-long celebration of collection of the works. Six, authors and articles 1, two Western Han dynasty Sima: Szu, and Qian. 2, the history of both Sima: Sima Qian and Sima Guang. 3, three Cao: Cao Cao, and Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi. 4, the four masters of early Tang dynasty: Wang Bo, and Yang jiong, and Lu Zhao, and Luo Binwang. 5, eight Tang and Song dynasties: Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Wang Anshi, whoGong. 6, Sansu: Su Xun, Su Shi, Su zhe. 7, verse four: Guan hanqing, Zheng guangzu, Bai Pu, MA by far. 8, Europe and the three short stories: Guy de Maupassant, and Chekhov, and o ' Henry 's. 9, flair: the songs and the songs. 10, Yue Fu dual wall: the poem of Mulan and the Southeast Peacock fly. 11, three official three-level: the stone Daqing collectors, and the tongguan collectors, the Xin dynasty and the new law, and the getting on in years, and the homeless. 12, China's four classic novels: the three kingdoms, and the water margin, and the journey to the West, and the dream of. 13, four great tragedies of William Shakespeare: Hamlet and the Convention of King Lear, Macbeth, Othello. 14, six arts: the six classics, is contained in the poem, the book, the ceremony, and the easy, and the music, and the spring and autumn; six skills: ritual, music, radio, Royal, books, digital. 15, the world famous four miser: Eugenie �� Grandet Grandet, the Convention of Shylock in the merchant of Venice, in the dead players in the miser poured David Bohigian, and agbagun. Seven writers in the early years of the Tang, literary knowledge Supplement 1, Wang Bo, and Yang jiong, Lu Zhao, Luo Binwang as well known as. [The early Tang dynasty four masters] are poems of good governance, on changes since the aligned beams of floating waste poetry plays a great role. Tang dynasty Kai yuan, Tianbao during the formation of poetic school. 2, [pastoral poetry school] poems characterized by abandon oneself to nature, singing an idyllic life, on behalf of author Wang Wei and Meng haoran. Tang dynasty Kai yuan, Tianbao during the formation of poetic school. 3, [frontier fortress poetry] representing writer Gao Shi, CEN Sen, Wang changling, Li Qi, frontier life, poems written frontier exotic scenery and the officers and men sign estate gushu community life, style and bold, with romanticism. Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, Du Fu said. 4, [Li du] Li is known as ?Li Bai ' s romanticism?, whose poetry brimming with positive spirit of romanticism; known as ?the great poet Du Fu?, whose poetry was filled with a strong sense of realism. 5, [Tang and Song dynasty eight] the Tang dynasty, Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan Ouyang Xiu, and song and Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong's eight-bit essayist and said (Ming Mao Kun editing the Tang and Song dynasties of eight notes included his work and gain). 6�� �δ�һ�����ɡ� [Bold] sushi created by the Northern Song dynasty, song Xin Qi-JI and reached a peak. Bold words, broad, powerful, powerful, open minded, proud unrestrained. Song genres. 7, [tactful] on behalf of writers such as Zhou bangyan, Liu Yong Qin and Li Qingzhao. Narrower tactful Word for subject matter, for male and female relationships and personal encounters, twists and turns implicit expression, language mildly beautiful. Guan hanqing Yuan dynasty, Bai Pu, Ma Zhiyuan, Zheng guangzu four bits and that of the famous playwright. 8, [verse four]9, the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio ancient Chinese distinguished classical collection of short stories, Pu songling's share in the Qing dynasty. Complete book of 491 articles. 10, the mountains of the three kingdoms in China is not only the historical angle; but also the country's most successful historical novels; full name of the popular romance of three kingdoms, also known as the three kingdoms of romance. It is Luo Guanzhong in the legend, of the three kingdoms by Chen Shou, and information together. And the journey to the dream of four classic? is known as the ?classical Chinese novels. Luo Guan, Lake, sea, and he is a distinguished novelist in the Yuan dynasty and Ming dynasty. The romance of all 24 volumes, 240. Description of the Eastern Han dynasty and three Kingdoms era as a whole feudal conflicts and struggles between the political groups. Circumstances such as "Guan Yu wine chop Hua Xiong, Liu Bei," there visits to the cottage "," the battle of Red Cliff ?,? put up a bluff ", successfully mold to Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Liu Bei is representative of the distinctive character of a typical image. 11, the author is on the history of Chinese fiction first novels depicting peasant uprising. By Yuan Shi Nai-an early Ming dynasty people process finish, and then writing becomes. Shuihu 36 is the legend of 100 one-eight of the Big Dipper and the 72 DISHA star reincarnation. Which include Lin, Lu, Li Kui, Wu Song, Sung, and Wu Yong, Yang Zhi, ���� Shi Xiu and other major figures. 12, and the bodhisattva is China's first full-length Genie novels, author Cheng en Wu Ming famous novelist. Journey to a total of 100. The main action the Monkey King was born, travelled far truth, came Dragon Palace, mixing underworld, havoc in heaven, and so on, the Monkey King was forced to convert to Buddhism, protecting monk Scriptures, journey and Sha monk, with the assistance of chopped monsters subject to evil, 9,981 experienced difficult and ultimately saved, to the West get a game Canon, became ?zhengguo?. learn from journey to the monk story leads, and monkey monkey hero is God and the other scriptures, journey, the sand monk etc. 13, the dream of the country's most outstanding classical long historical angle. Book-120, 80-back to the Qing dynasty before Cao Xueqin, 40 are generally considered Gao after writing. The novel depicts love as well as Jia and Wang Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu with history and decline of the ?family? four sit, reflects the brutal class oppression in feudal society, exposing the darkness and decay of the feudal system, shows the historical trend of its inevitable crash. Critique of feudal society at the same time, to enthusiastic praise the traitor of the feudal system. Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu is typical of two rebellious spirit. One of the main characters like Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, Xue, Wang XI-feng has become immortal art typical. Book to treasure, and Jia-Sheng Dai love failure for clues. 10, the Dream Pool Essays is China's first notes written in the style of a comprehensive academic work, the authors are scientists, politicians opinions on the Northern Song dynasty. 11, the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio is excellent classical of China's first collection of short stories, the author is well-known in the Qing dynasty writer Pu songling. 12, authorship authentification and dating is our first full-length excellent satirical novels, the author is the great novelist Wu jingzi in the Qing dynasty. 13, the dream is of the highest artistic achievement early vernacular novels, the author is great in the Qing dynasty writer Cao Xueqin. 14, is China's first great poet Qu Yuan, received the songs in the works. 15, is China's first female poet Li Qingzhao, works collectionLi Qingzhao in set. 16, Li Bai is the period of the great romantic poet in Tang, works in the collection of the complete works of Li Taibai. 17 realistic poet Du Fu is greatest during the Tang, works collection at the Du Gongbu sets in. 18, Po Chu-everlasting regret is the realism of the greatest poets in Tang period, collection white-long celebration of collection of the works. Six, authors and articles 1, two Western Han dynasty Sima: Szu, and Qian. 2, the history of both Sima: Sima Qian and Sima Guang. 3, three Cao: Cao Cao, and Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi. 4, the four masters of early Tang dynasty: Wang Bo, and Yang jiong, and Lu Zhao, and Luo Binwang. 5, eight Tang and Song dynasties: Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Wang Anshi, and Zeng Gong 's. 6, Sansu: Su Xun, Su Shi, Su zhe. 7, verse four: Guan hanqing, Zheng guangzu, Bai Pu, MA by far. 8, Europe and the three short stories: Guy de Maupassant, and Chekhov, and o ' Henry 's. 9, flair: the songs and the songs. 10, Yue Fu dual wall: the poem of Mulan and the Southeast Peacock fly. 11, three official three-level: the stone Daqing collectors, and the tongguan collectors, the Xin dynasty and the new law, and the getting on in years, and the homeless. 12, China's four classic novels: the three kingdoms, and the water margin, and the journey to the West, and the dream of. 13, four great tragedies of William Shakespeare: Hamlet and the Convention of King Lear, Macbeth, Othello. 14, six arts: the six classics, is contained in the poem, the book, the ceremony, and the easy, and the music, and the spring and autumn; six skills: ritual, music, radio, Royal, books, digital. 15, the world famous four miser: Eugenie �� Grandet Grandet, the Convention of Shylock in the merchant of Venice, in the dead players in the miser poured David Bohigian, and agbagun. Seven writers in the early years of the Tang, literary knowledge Supplement 1, Wang Bo, and Yang jiong, Lu Zhao, Luo Binwang as well known as. [The early Tang dynasty four masters] are poems of good governance, on changes since the aligned beams of floating waste poetry plays a great role. Tang dynasty Kai yuan, Tianbao during the formation of poetic school. 2, [pastoral poetry school] poems characterized by abandon oneself to nature, singing an idyllic life, on behalf of author Wang Wei and Meng haoran. Tang dynasty Kai yuan, Tianbao during the formation of poetic school. 3, [frontier fortress poetry] representing writer Gao Shi, CEN Sen, Wang changling, Li Qi, frontier life, poems written frontier exotic scenery and the officers and men sign estate gushu community life, style and bold, with romanticism. Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, Du Fu said. 4, [Li du] Li is known as ?Li Bai ' s romanticism?, whose poetry brimming with positive spirit of romanticism; known as ?the great poet Du Fu?, whose poetry was filled with a strong sense of realism. 5, [Tang and Song dynasty eight] the Tang dynasty, Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan Ouyang Xiu, and song and Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong's eight-bit essayist and said (Ming Mao Kun editing the Tang and Song dynasties of eight notes included his work and gain). 6�� �δ�һ�����ɡ� [Bold] sushi created by the Northern Song dynasty, song Xin Qi-JI and reached a peak. Bold words, broad, powerful, powerful, open minded, proud unrestrained. Song genres. 7, [tactful] on behalf of writers such as Zhou bangyan, Liu Yong Qin and Li Qingzhao. Narrower tactful Word for subject matter, for male and female relationships and personal encounters, twists and turns implicit expression, language mildly beautiful. Guan hanqing Yuan dynasty, Bai Pu, Ma Zhiyuan, Zheng guangzu four bits and that of the famous playwright. 8, [verse four]9, the Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio ancient Chinese distinguished classical collection of short stories, Pu songling's share in the Qing dynasty. Complete book of 491 articles. 10, the mountains of the three kingdoms in China is not only the historical angle; but also the country's most successful historical novels; full name of the popular romance of three kingdoms, also known as the three kingdoms of romance. It is Luo Guanzhong in the legend, of the three kingdoms by Chen Shou, and information together. And the journey to the dream of four classic? is known as the ?classical Chinese novels. Luo Guan, Lake, sea, and he is a distinguished novelist in the Yuan dynasty and Ming dynasty. The romance of all 24 volumes, 240. Description of the Eastern Han dynasty and three Kingdoms era as a whole feudal conflicts and struggles between the political groups. Circumstances such as "Guan Yu wine chop Hua Xiong, Liu Bei," there visits to the cottage "," the battle of Red Cliff ?,? put up a bluff ", successfully mold to Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Liu Bei is representative of the distinctive character of a typical image. 11, the author is on the history of Chinese fiction first novels depicting peasant uprising. By Yuan Shi Nai-an early Ming dynasty people process finish, and then writing becomes. Shuihu 36 is the legend of 100 one-eight of the Big Dipper and the 72 DISHA star reincarnation. Which include Lin, Lu, Li Kui, Wu Song, Sung, and Wu Yong, Yang Zhi, ���� Shi Xiu and other major figures. 12, and the bodhisattva is China's first full-length Genie novels, author Cheng en Wu Ming famous novelist. Journey to a total of 100. The main action the Monkey King was born, travelled far truth, came Dragon Palace, mixing underworld, havoc in heaven, and so on, the Monkey King was forced to convert to Buddhism, protecting monk Scriptures, journey and Sha monk, with the assistance of chopped monsters subject to evil, 9,981 experienced difficult and ultimately saved, to the West get a game Canon, became ?zhengguo?. learn from journey to the monk story leads, and monkey monkey hero is God and the other scriptures, journey, the sand monk etc. 13, the dream of the country's most outstanding classical long historical angle. Book-120, 80-back to the Qing dynasty before Cao Xueqin, 40 are generally considered Gao after writing. The novel depicts love as well as Jia and Wang Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu with history and decline of the ?family? four sit, reflects the brutal class oppression in feudal society, exposing the darkness and decay of the feudal system, shows the historical trend of its inevitable crash. Critique of feudal society at the same time, to enthusiastic praise the traitor of the feudal system.

