
Fuyang, professional treatment of ovarian cancer _ Fuyang friendship hospital yanxuelin

What are some common symptom? nest cyst of ovarian tumors in a broadly defined one, and all ages can get sick, women with multiple 20-50. The disease is common tumors of female genital mutilation, female friends is important to know about the disease, then, what are some common symptoms of ovarian cysts? Fuyang friendship hospital Gynecology experts, mainly has following several common symptoms of ovarian cysts: 1 and lower abdominal discomfort: for patients not touched before the first symptoms of abdominal masses. Due to the weight of the tumor itself, as well as the effects of intestinal peristalsis and changes in posture, tumors move involves the pedicle and pelvic funnel within the pelvic ligament, resulting in patients with abdominal swelling, falling, or GE Wo. 2, abdominal pain: cancer without complications, very little pain. Therefore, the abdominal pain in patients with ovarian tumors, particularly sudden, multiple tumors pedicle reversed, occasionally for tumors due to rupture and hemorrhage or infection. In addition, malignant cysts cause abdominal pain, leg pain, pain often leads patients to emergency treatment. 3, compression: giant ovarian cancer may be caused by compression diaphragm breathing difficulties and palpitations, ovarian tumor with massive ascites may also cause such symptoms, but some ovarian tumors in patients with breathing difficulties caused by the side or double-sided pleural effusion, and often with ascites, forming the so-called Meigs syndrome. 4, menstrual disorders: ovarian and even bilateral ovarian cyst, as does not destroy all the normal ovarian tissue, it usually does not cause menstrual disorders. Some uterine bleeding is not part of the endocrine, or pelvic Ovarian Tumor blood vessel distribution changes caused by endometriosis patients; or as a direct transfer to the endometrium induced by ovarian cancer. Endocrine tumors that occur due to menstrual disturbances of secretion often combined with other effects. 5, abdominal circumference augmentation and abdominal tumors: abdominal circumference augmentation and abdominal tumors are the most common phenomenon. Patients aware of their clothing or belt tightening is small, just noting the increased abdominal, or feeling in morning accident, his abdominal found intra-abdominal masses, coupled with abdominal distention is not applicable. harm large ovarian cyst, female friends need vigilance sterility of ovarian cyst results not only in women of childbearing age, if you do not timely treatment can also cause miscarriage, if suffering from ovarian cysts found in the third trimester of pregnancy, you prevent delivery, therefore, it is recommended that women suffering from ovarian cysts friends must be treated in a timely manner, and is currently the best treatments for ovarian cyst, the expert's first 125��c minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, select not only the treatment of ovarian cyst wound is small, fast recovery, and no scars after the operation. Fuyang friendship hospital: people-oriented, brand strength, rest assured that selecting http://www.0558yh120.com/index.html

